Lancaster member to talk to another club


Premium Member
Hi. We've recently had some contact with the
Aquarium Club of Lancaster County, which is a long-running (20+ years!) group of mostly freshwater hobbyists with monthly meetings in Lancaster. They are interested in having someone with some experience come to talk about setting up a saltwater tank. If you are close enough to Lancaster to get there and are interested, please go to their website, look under their BOD contact page (, and email Kurt Johnston. They seem like a very nice group of folks to get to know.
Thanks for the Mention...I do read the posts on the Forum and am personally trying to learn more about reef/marine tanks. BTW---We will reimburse the speaker for expenses.

Hope to hear from one of you soon!
I can also do it as well! I would like to come talk shop anytime! I am a freshy converted so I also have that freshy passion brewing in there somewhere! ;)

I could do a power point presentation if you like as well, All I would need would be the projector, I have a laptop that would plug in.