Large angels in a reef tank?


In Memoriam
I absolutely love angel fish. Will they destroy a reef or are their corals i can buy that will be relatively safe? And I dont want a fish only tank!:confused:
Most angelfish are questionable. They can not bother anything for years and suddenly go on a rampage. There is one family that has been proven reef safe. This is the Genicanthus family. They are planktonavores and are constantly on the prowl for food. Fortunately food isn't corals.
large angels can decimate your coral, sometimes its a nip, sometimes its a chunck, sometimes they ignore them all together.

as DrHank stated the Genicanthus family is reef safe. I have a mated pair of swallow angels, wonderfull fish.

Is this for your 65? If so forget it, these fish need a TON of room. IMO they are more active and need more room than most tangs. You might want to look at dwarf angels, though im not sure youll find a reef safe one.
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Nah I would never put a large angel in a 65 gallon, Im building a house, and putting in a huge tank while the house is being built. Im not sure how large I want to make it yet.
I agree that Genicanthus love to swim and need room. I have a female in my 110 and that's the primary reason that I'm going to an 8' long 210 gallon. She swims rings around my purple tang. I chose a swallowtail angel because I value my corals and don't want to take a chance.

I was considering an Emperator, Crescent, or Magestic which might or might not have become a problem but thought better of it. I'm glad that I went with the Genicanthus.
Most angels do okay with SPS and the more noxious soft corals, of course there are always exceptions because each fish is different. Where you hear about problems with angels most of the time are with the meatier LPS, zoanthids and clams.

I have pretty much nothing but SPS the only LPS I have are a hammer, torch and platygyra. I currently have a Regal and Emperor that I have had for 15 months now and I have seen no nipping or damage done to any of my corals.

Right now I'm thinking about adding a couple Centropyge angels and possibly a Queen Angel.

The other things I have heard are large tanks and frequent feedings give you a better chance of the angels not nipping at corals.

I love angels too and I think it's worth the risk. But it is still a risk to add them.
Several people in our local reef club have sucessfully added Imperator (Emperor) angels to their SPS dominated tank.

I've had mine for years, with little problem. They do like to eat, so you'll need a good nutrient removal scheme.

It's a great fish with real personality. Click the red house for some pics and more discussion.

They need a large tank as they like to cruise. They also need to be fed a good amount of food on a daily basis, and a couple of feeds/ day is even better. Especially important to feed them first thing in the a.m.
If they get hungry, they get bored and will investigate all possible food sources.