Large damsel or chromis dominate reef tanks?

I hear ya on the resale thing...I spent 16 years in the Air Force moving around so this will be the last house I ever get :-) If you don't plan on staying in this house for many years to come, it might not be a good idea. If you want to look into it anyway, I can give you all the info you need. I was fortunate enough to have a friend who built a 17,000 concrete tank in his home and he consulted with commercial aquarium sources to do it. He has been a God-send in helping me work through the details on this build so I'd be happy to pass on the info...
Kentrob I look forward to your build thread.
do you plan on using natural sunlight?
Do you have plans for your surgesystem?

BTW with a RCSD there are no bubbles in the tank.
I plan on making the larger tank (was normally due this summer but had an accident) in plywood as it would be nice to be able to move it.
No documented plans yet... Try to visualize the following: The main tank has 3 holes(for 3" PVC outlets) in strategically placed spots on each ond of the tank, for 6 total. Each outlet will be plumbed through the concrete and have true union Ball valves on each to adjust flow through them. On each side, the three pipes will be plumbed into one single pipe, afterwhich a actuated valve will be placed. After the valve, the pipe will increase in diameter to 4" and go up into one of the 2 120 gallon surge tanks positioned on the floor above the tank. 2 4500 gph pumps will force water into the two surge tanks and float valves mounted inside the tanks will activate a relay opening the valve to drain the tank and then closing it to stop the surge before it drains enough to allow air to be sucked in.
Back to the original post. I am planning JUST this right now. After cleaning, maintaining, powering, and feeding 3 tanks I was tired of it all.

So I am currently selling all my Livestock out of my FOWLR 240g Long (8x2x2) and once they are gone I plan on restructing my LR, upgrading to 16x HO T5's (ordered Ice Caps and 660's today), stock with multiple shoals of Green Chromis, Blue Reef Chromis, and various Damsels. Once stocked I'll move my Dragon moray out of his current 75g and shut it down.

I'll be initially stocking with easy corals:
Montipora Cap's
and TBD..................

That's the plan anyway. Then feeding will be Mysis & Flakes with raw shrimp for the eel 2-3 times a week.

Looking forward to less mess and an active tank with tons of smaller fish.

I just am not sure how many fish I should/shouldn't add so I don't degrade the water for the corals.

Anyone have any idea to the effect on these big shoals of small fish?