Large favia colony and clam for sale


Reef Reef Reef Reef Reef
Premium Member
Hey all! I have a large favia colony (maybe a favites?) and a 2 1/2 to 3" maxima clam for sale. Just further downsizing on my part, making more room for stuff to grow in. Pictures to follow.

I still have the rotating powerhead mount, I'll drop the price to 15 bucks. It rotates slowly through 90 degrees, kindof like a seaswirl, but you mount the powerhead to the shaft, and it rotates.

I also have a complete, almost new H.O.T. Magnum power filter, $35. These retail for 79. If you're lucky, you can find them online for around 60.


Large favia colony, gets nice sweeper tentacles, almost 3" long! Beautiful under actinics or high k bulbs. $35


Older pic with sweeper tentacles... It's grown nicely since this pic.


The lower clam is the one for sale. $35
I'll take the clam...been on the lookout for a blue maxima! Is Saturday good for you?

(sending a pm too)
With the three above, consider the clam sold. I don't know Jeff, but I pm'ed him back. If I don't hear from him today, I know the other 2 will jump in. Someone please give this favia a good home. It's under XM 10000k's right now, and it is doing well on the bottom of the tank. It has grown a little. I don't directly feed it, it snags whatever is in the water. Once or twice a week, I put cyclopeez in the tank when the feeders are out. That's it.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7080840#post7080840 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Ludwigia73
I don't know Jeff, but I pm'ed him back.

True, we've crossed paths in a few threads, but never met in person. We'll take care of that Saturday. :D
chris, ill DEFINATELY take the favia, but anyway you can hold it till next week?

im going to be very busy to pick it up before then.

i can paypal you if you want, or just pay cash when i get there.
bawla, if you still need that JG bulkhead fitting, I can leave it with Chris when I see him tomorrow. Let me know...
Chris, thanks for the clam and corals (we also took home a nice blastomussa and some green zoas). Everything is looking great in our tank. We stopped by Reef's Edge for a few minutes after we left your place. They have some of the healthiest tanks I've seen in a LFS. Thanks for the tip!
hey jeff, i was able to get it from Rogger at the FMAS meeting. thank you though.

whats the easiest way to get to Reefs Edge from Chris's house?
im gonna stop by there also, cuz i think its pretty close?
It's at the east end of Orange Drive, just past the turnpike on the left hand side. It's a little hard to spot though, it's mixed in a development with a lot of commercial businesses.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7096098#post7096098 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by jeffbrig
It's at the east end of Orange Drive, just past the turnpike on the left hand side. It's a little hard to spot though, it's mixed in a development with a lot of commercial businesses.

Orange Drive is the street that runs alongside Griffin in Davie.

Yes, Reef's Edge is a LFS.