I have a 210 gal and a 55 gal running on the same sump/fuge. I drip Kalk from a 7 gal water container purchased a Walmart for just under $10 dollars. 2 tablespoons of pickeling lime and RO/DI water once a week works fine.
Also, I don't used a skimmer. I have 6-7" of sand in the fuge. In the sump I have heaters and the pump from my ASM g-1X skimmer (to provide airation to the return water. This system had been running since August, 2006. I did 50 gal water changes/week for the first three months. I then wen to every other week because I was constantly testing zero's on ammonia, nitites, nitrates, phosphates. I have not done a water change for a month (or so...) and I am currently only testing the following: ammonia (0), nitrites (0), nitrates (3), phosphates (0). (sailfert test kits). I add part one of a two-part solution to bump Alk when it drops. When I run out of part 1, I will start using baking soda instead.
I over feed my fish, like everyone else, except my sister
I run the light on my fuge (150 watt cheapy work light from walmart with a 125 watt bulb) 24/7. I have no problems, and no worries.
Summer is no coming. My next project is to coil a bunch of pvc hose in an old compact refrigerator to use as a chiller. I will then go to Radio Shack and buy parts to make a thermostat/control unit to keep the temp constant.
This hobby is expensive, no doubt, but it does not have to be hard, complex, or prohibitivly expensive. I am a "coral for the masses" kind of guy. There is plently of info on these threads from plently of imaginative people who resolved my problems for me before I ever got into this hobby. They deserve many kudos. I don't think a single one of my methods or set-ups has not been done and covered by someone on these forums.