Large tank water changes?


New member
Wondering about water changes for my 190g. What procedure is used when dealing with that much water? I've also heard that due to the amount of evaporation on some large tanks that some people don't even bother with water changes cause they are constantly adding new water anyway, any thoughts on this?

I would certainly do water changes on the tank. The amount and frequency depends on the stocking density and type of set-up it is. Remember, the water that leaves the aquarium is pure H20, and has none of the wastes in it that are building up in the aquarium. If you run a skimmer very "wet", then a substantial amount of tank water can be removed, and you'll have to replace that with mixed seawater.

Here is what I would do: buy a 32 gallon rubbermaid trash can (white model or other type that is labelled safe for potable water use). Then, fill it with RO water, and the salt, aerate it for a day or two, get it up to temperature and then drain 30 gallons of water from your tank and add the fresh mix. I'd do this monthly myself, but other people would do it bi-monthly, and others might do it less frequently.

Jay Hemdal
D'oh! - second line - "water that leaves the aquarium..." needs to read "water that leaves the aquarium through evaporation..."


yea.... like JH.... states you must still do h20 changes

I use 2 trash cans to mix the water & I usually just wait up to a day for the water to mix. I simply place a extra pump in the water to circulate it. Sometimes I do the waterchange around a hr after I add salt, never had a problem :)

once a month 2 trashcans of water get replaced on my 260g
I have a 300 gallon reef tank...I do 40 gallon weekly water changes.. water changes are necessary for replenishment of nutrients in the water...also removes some detrius & nitrates out of the water.....sometimes when my wife over feeds I do 2- 30 gallon water changes a week... IMO
Hey in my 210 gallon reef I do 20 to 30 gallon changes every 3 weeks. And if you simply get new 5 gallon plastic buckets and use them just for salt water stuff you're fine. Also once mixed and at room temp, you can add one 5 gallon batch to sump and overal display tank temp doesn't budge. Wait a few minutes then add the next. It's just what I do though. And above all YES regular scheduled water changes on top of top off water are greatly beneficial!
In all of my tanks, 72, 190, 400, I do 50 % water changes about every 2 weeks. I do cheat some in that I use filtered NSW for my water changes. :D

But as stated, water changes are needed to replinish elements that have been used up by the inhabitants and also to dilute the unwanted elements in the water.
I'm a 10% a week water changer. On the 390 I'm setting up, the water change system is plumbed into the sump from the saltwater mixing station in the garage.
I'm still playing around with my schedule and amounts but I am pretty much a 15% once a month kind of guy. I have a Brute trashcan that I mix in. I pull out the old water with a siphon and pump in the new water from the trash can. It doesn't take very long to do.
For my 210 gal reef I usually do a 40 gal waterchange every couple of weeks. I prepare the saltwater in a trash can in the garage usually a week in advance and stir the water with a mag 9.5, which I also use for pumping the water in and out of the reef tank. The best investment I ever made - the whole waterchange takes only 15 minutes. Next to my "saltwater trashcan" is a same size trashcan for RO water.