I would certainly do water changes on the tank. The amount and frequency depends on the stocking density and type of set-up it is. Remember, the water that leaves the aquarium is pure H20, and has none of the wastes in it that are building up in the aquarium. If you run a skimmer very "wet", then a substantial amount of tank water can be removed, and you'll have to replace that with mixed seawater.
Here is what I would do: buy a 32 gallon rubbermaid trash can (white model or other type that is labelled safe for potable water use). Then, fill it with RO water, and the salt, aerate it for a day or two, get it up to temperature and then drain 30 gallons of water from your tank and add the fresh mix. I'd do this monthly myself, but other people would do it bi-monthly, and others might do it less frequently.
Jay Hemdal