sadly, it is now converted to a large south american biotype lagoon with freshwater stingrays and such. Display is also a vivarium and full of reptiles and amphibans.
Not the largest in the country. But one of the largest in minnesota.
When did it get converted? That was one of my favorite reefs. :sad1:
it may not be the largest in chicago, but its all i could afford
219"x30"x48"....this is the only way i could get a FTS
Steve Weast(?) has a huge tank. I think there was a lady in California that has one in her backyard too.
it may not be the largest in chicago, but its all i could afford
219"x30"x48"....this is the only way i could get a FTS
Not sure if it is safe to mention here but there is a 17,000 gallon one in the US that is apparently now wet. Some Google Fu will get anyone interested to the current thread, which has activity as of yesterday by the tank owner Bill.