Last shot, suggestions welcome


New member
It has been 4 long months of fighting the white slime menace on my 75g tank and at this point i'm thinking of just breaking down everything and starting all over again, i have tried everything from water changes to adding dr tims refresh and waste away and nothing seems to do anything to this slime, it has me beaten. I haven't had the chance to enjoy my tank cause of this stuff, is super aggravating and i'm done fighting it cause nothing seems to work, if anybody got any last suggestions please suggest away. My water parameters are pretty good too. Check regularly.
Honestly, a restart is probably a decent idea. It doesn't have to be anything crazy, just take everything out, clean it all, cure and reseed the rock if you want, and set back up.

Before that though, you might want to try an ICP test to see if some strange parameter is off and affecting your system negatively

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Checked parameters regularly and pretty good........hum?
Perfect water comes from 0 TDS starting water and mixed with a good salt, and that all 8 parameters are within the ranges of NSW, and that they stay in range with the least flux possible.
If you test regularly, can you post the numbers, 8/10 problems can be solved this way.
That way the members can try and help you.
What are your specific numbers for nitrate, phosphate, and alk?

What test kits are you using?

Are you carbon (vodka, vinegar, nopox) dosing?

Do you run a skimmer?
Checked parameters regularly and pretty good........hum?
Perfect water comes from 0 TDS starting water and mixed with a good salt, and that all 8 parameters are within the ranges of NSW, and that they stay in range with the least flux possible.
If you test regularly, can you post the numbers, 8/10 problems can be solved this way.
That way the members can try and help you.

Sorry about that, should have said normal ranges...i use red sea to test my water, las time was a week ago and the tests where ammonia 0, nitrates 0, phosphate 0.03 and the one that was high idk why was the alkalinity at 13. It stays the same most of.the time except the alk never been that high, but the problem has been there even when it was on the normal range. Also have and ro/di for water.
What are your specific numbers for nitrate, phosphate, and alk?

What test kits are you using?

Are you carbon (vodka, vinegar, nopox) dosing?

Do you run a skimmer?

Nitrates 0, phosphate 0.03,alk was high at 13
Red sea
No dosing
Yes i am running a swc mini s cone skimmer
Good. I agree that your parameters look just fine.

A picture would help. The only white slime I've seen is from dosing too much vodka, causing a bacterial snot.

Is it on the rocks or in the water column? I'm not really sure what we're dealing with here. But there has to be something we could do. UV sterilizer, chemiclean, blackout, peroxide
Posted my tests for water, any specific info you looking for? Thank u

Dosing vodka/vinegar will cause this. It sounds like a bacteria explosion. Give what your daily routine with detail. Water change routine, brand of salt, lighting, flow, sump contents, livestock, food types and delivery, age of tank, type of rock you started with and pictures . The more info you give, the better someone can help. Rebooting a tank is extreme.
Good. I agree that your parameters look just fine.

A picture would help. The only white slime I've seen is from dosing too much vodka, causing a bacterial snot.

Is it on the rocks or in the water column? I'm not really sure what we're dealing with here. But there has to be something we could do. UV sterilizer, chemiclean, blackout, peroxide

I would post a picture today when i get home, it is a lot more prominent on the rocks but it gets to the water column too. already have an uv, no effect on the slime whatsoever.
4 months is nothing, just be patient and stop dumping stuff in the tank. Sounds like a bacteria bloom, but pictures would help.
Dosing vodka/vinegar will cause this. It sounds like a bacteria explosion. Give what your daily routine with detail. Water change routine, brand of salt, lighting, flow, sump contents, livestock, food types and delivery, age of tank, type of rock you started with and pictures . The more info you give, the better someone can help. Rebooting a tank is extreme.

My daily routine consists of adding the water i need to as it evaporates(no ato)i have a 5 gallon bucket with clean ro/di water. Give food to the fish once a day, only have 4 small fish so i don't feed heavy. I change 20% water every 2 weeks, i am using instant ocean now but before i used oceanic. Lightning i am using 2 chinese boxes. Return pump is a 600gph and i have 1 gyre and 1 power head inside the tank. Under the tank i have a 40 gallon sump with a swc mini s cone skimmer. I feed brine shrimp and the tank has been up for 4 months and started withblive rock. I agree with reeboting the tank but the frustration sets in after 4 months lol. Thanks in advance to everyone that can help me.with this.
4 months is nothing, just be patient and stop dumping stuff in the tank. Sounds like a bacteria bloom, but pictures would help.

Almost 4 months with bacterial snot don't seem normal to me. I would understand a bit and then gone but ALLLL the time? No
Likely you would get an answer (yup 4 months is nothing) if you would show a pic of your concern.

It sounds like snot, but who knows...
My daily routine consists of adding the water i need to as it evaporates(no ato)i have a 5 gallon bucket with clean ro/di water. Give food to the fish once a day, only have 4 small fish so i don't feed heavy. I change 20% water every 2 weeks, i am using instant ocean now but before i used oceanic. Lightning i am using 2 chinese boxes. Return pump is a 600gph and i have 1 gyre and 1 power head inside the tank. Under the tank i have a 40 gallon sump with a swc mini s cone skimmer. I feed brine shrimp and the tank has been up for 4 months and started withblive rock. I agree with reeboting the tank but the frustration sets in after 4 months lol. Thanks in advance to everyone that can help me.with this.
4 months is not near a stable tank yet. Tell about how you cycled. Also, how did you start your rock? You said live. What kind of sand do you use?

I ask this because when I started, I collected sand from my local beach. What I didnt realize was it had be replenished with fill dirt over the years from erosion. My sand was filled with silicates and my tank suffered. Also, what kind of rock are you using? Pukani has been notorious for leeching phosphates in a tank. My suggestion is do an ICP test to see what's going on. If the fish are happy, then let the tank be. Done add anymore livestock. And also, dont expect changes overnight. If something fixes that quick, it usually creates another problem.
Another question. What intensity are you running the LEDS? Depending on spectrums, they could be growing something weird as well. I had some as well, and they shifted their emissions.
4 months is not near a stable tank yet. Tell about how you cycled. Also, how did you start your rock? You said live. What kind of sand do you use?

I ask this because when I started, I collected sand from my local beach. What I didnt realize was it had be replenished with fill dirt over the years from erosion. My sand was filled with silicates and my tank suffered. Also, what kind of rock are you using? Pukani has been notorious for leeching phosphates in a tank. My suggestion is do an ICP test to see what's going on. If the fish are happy, then let the tank be. Done add anymore livestock. And also, dont expect changes overnight. If something fixes that quick, it usually creates another problem.

I bought the tank with like 60 pds of live rock so i just transfer it when i moved the tank(used new water though). Sand wasn't live and it was aragonite. I just cycled the tank with the live rock, waited for all the parameters to be in check. My chinese boxes don't have a set up for intensity they are the old ones(lights is gonna be my next purchase). Also i don't expect overnight changes, is close to 5 months, i just want to know what is happening cause i've had reef tanks in the past and bever had this problem. Probably gonna do the icp test though.