lawnmower blenny


New member

I was wondering if i could add a large lawnmower blenny with the following fish we already have?

Zebra Eel
Dogface Puffer
Lunare Wrasse
Burmusa Trigger

The eel is about 24 inches and the rest are about 4 to 5 inches. The lawnmower is right around the same size.

that is a tough one. I want to say it will be ok. most of my fish just ignore him, but he is in a reef tank. these guys can be exremely fast if need be. if he has enough holes to hide in I would say it would be ok.
heres whats in my 80 with no problems

16 in. Snowflake Eel
4.5" humu trigger
3 1.5" damsels
4" lawnmower blenny

in the past ive kept in the same tank an undulated trigger and clown trigger with the blenny, but the undulated gave him a hard time! the clown and humu dont care about it.
I have a 6" (not a typo) LMB in my 180 with the stock listed below. Can see the marks on the rocks where he is eating the algae and nobody messes with him.

Hope this helps...
I have a LM blenny in my tank with a Blueface angel, red coris, golden puffer, panda puffer. The first week he was in there he hid becuase my golden puffer was trying to eat him. The puffer eventually realized he wast food and now the blenny is all over the tank with no problems.