What a lot of eye candy delight! Your collection is inspirational in a way that is motivational for anyone chasing the epitome of sps health- mint mate, just mint!!!
Nils, thank you for the very kind words! The eye candy continues to get better from the crash. Hopefully I'll do some shooting this weekend.
You are blessed with the blue thumb. Soon we will be bastards together again!
I like to keep K at 400 personally but IMO nothing wrong with 420 at all.
6.5dkh, now your talking my language
Kevin, I am very much looking forward to your chronic acro tendencies to take over!
My latest test showed my k at 400..
Alk remains between 6.3-6.7. I am about to begin a slight raise, however.. I want to get closer to 7.5-8 I think. Just to be able to use slightly higher alk salts for waterchanges and not have an alk swing.. not that a 10% wc is so big..
Hello Matt,
Just a quick note to say thanks for sharing your reef with me/us this year, truly appreciate it! Have a safe , happy and healthy holiday season!
Hey Scott, thank you for checking my reef out and participating in the ongoing conversations. It really makes documenting my tank more interesting when there is feedback.
All the best to you and yours over the holidays and to all the great people on Reef Central!.
With no sporting activities this weekend and not much next week, I hope to have some fun with the camera.

I had a bit of a sad week with the death of both my mitratus butterfly and Achilles tang... for absolutely no apparent reason and with no new additions, they started getting spots in late October. The spots didn't increase or bother the fish for weeks and weeks, but into December, they started to get worse and the fish started to decline. They both died within a day of each other earlier this week.
No other fish showed any signs of ich but in the past few days, a couple other fish have a spot or two.. I am really hoping that I am not about the have a fish meltdown..
we shall see..