Leather coral


New member
I have a 65g tank and have been having problems with my leather corals lately.
I have a devils hand, toadstool, cauliflower and kenya tree coral.
They are never expanded at the same time. Some times one of them will remain closed for quite long periods of time and when it open up another will close up.
I think th toxins they release are causing this as my water parameters are all ok.

ph 8.3
calcium 460ppm
temp 81
salinity 1.026

I am also running qutie alot of carbon.
What else can I do to get rid of the toxins in the water.
I do a 20% monthly water change.
well i personally do a 10% weekly water change, and how often are you changing your carbon?
Ive kept 3 out of 4 of those corals together for yrs without problems (don't have cauliflour)
I usually change 10-15 gallons every 3-4 weeks on my 55.
I use chemi-pure not carbon.
If my corals start looking a little pekid I do another water change.
That tanks been set up for 23 yrs as a reef so I also vacuum the gravel everytime I do a water change to get out detritis.
