LED Simu - flicking bright then dim


New member
The moonlight cycle, which is currently at 34%, is flicking bright-then-dim in about 2 minute sequences.

It doesn't appear to be linked with any other activity in the system (e.g. a heater switching on / off, whichc is what I first looked for).

The lunar cycle is set for 7pm to 5.30am. Clouds and Maximum darkening are set from 20% to 40% respectively. Moonphase simulation is applied to l3 and l4. Rainy day darkening is set to 0.

The blue string of leds appears to be stable; the white string is what's brightening (to 34%, I'm guessing) and then switching to dark (to 5%, again guessing). These are immediate switches in illumination, not a gradual dimming or brightening.

In the 1-10V interface settings, l3/l4 are set to 0.8min to 10Vmax. Could this be the problem?

Very odd that I hadn't noticed this before, after running apparently flawlessly for many months.

Could 34% lunar levels be some kind of awkward threshold?

Standing by for any thoughts/feedback.

Until now I have no idea.
Please test the behaviour with "manual illumination" on the device itself or with light scenarios in ProfiLuxControl. Dim in the range 0% ... 100% and watch what happens.
Please send me or Aqua Digital the result via email for personal support.
Storm effect is switched on, yes -- automated; but there was no "storm" at the time.

Interestingly, I changed the 1-10v interface settings from .8-10 to 1-10 and the bright-dim issue stopped. This leads me to suspect that 34% presents some kind of threshold issue somewhere in the handshake between the LED simu and the Profilux unit or unit software.

I'll revert to .8v this evening (when it's dark), as today is still a 34% day and the bright-dim issue should still present itself.

I've observed, in previous months, that somewhere in the low 20% lunar levels the led simu shuts off completely (for the lunar cycle; not for dawn/dusk) -- something I assumed was a normal threshold until now. Is this normal? In other words, moonlight doesn't illuminate from 0-100% in a complete spectrum; the ledsimu responds only once the lunar cycle hits the high teens / low 20s (can't remember where, exactly; I'll have to watch it this time 'round).

Thanks, guys.

Hi yes, when you think about it the moon never dispears there is always a 15% portion left so the simu stock will simuate this.
Also must be taken in account: the moon cycle brightness is multiplied by the brightness of the corresponding illumination run;
20% moon means about 4% brightness (this is a nonlinear funtion)
sounds like he is saying that his lunar simulation is turning off the LED before its able to get completely dim.
Yes; that's exactly what I'm saying. Strangely, switching the led-simu from a 0.8v minimum to 1 (in other words, a 1-10v range) seems to have fixed the issue.

Was this the setting the led-simu is supposed to work with?
