The moonlight cycle, which is currently at 34%, is flicking bright-then-dim in about 2 minute sequences.
It doesn't appear to be linked with any other activity in the system (e.g. a heater switching on / off, whichc is what I first looked for).
The lunar cycle is set for 7pm to 5.30am. Clouds and Maximum darkening are set from 20% to 40% respectively. Moonphase simulation is applied to l3 and l4. Rainy day darkening is set to 0.
The blue string of leds appears to be stable; the white string is what's brightening (to 34%, I'm guessing) and then switching to dark (to 5%, again guessing). These are immediate switches in illumination, not a gradual dimming or brightening.
In the 1-10V interface settings, l3/l4 are set to 0.8min to 10Vmax. Could this be the problem?
Very odd that I hadn't noticed this before, after running apparently flawlessly for many months.
Could 34% lunar levels be some kind of awkward threshold?
Standing by for any thoughts/feedback.
It doesn't appear to be linked with any other activity in the system (e.g. a heater switching on / off, whichc is what I first looked for).
The lunar cycle is set for 7pm to 5.30am. Clouds and Maximum darkening are set from 20% to 40% respectively. Moonphase simulation is applied to l3 and l4. Rainy day darkening is set to 0.
The blue string of leds appears to be stable; the white string is what's brightening (to 34%, I'm guessing) and then switching to dark (to 5%, again guessing). These are immediate switches in illumination, not a gradual dimming or brightening.
In the 1-10V interface settings, l3/l4 are set to 0.8min to 10Vmax. Could this be the problem?
Very odd that I hadn't noticed this before, after running apparently flawlessly for many months.
Could 34% lunar levels be some kind of awkward threshold?
Standing by for any thoughts/feedback.