This is a pretty sweet build. i must have missed it, but what does the 16up full spectrum Luxeon w/reflector cost you to make (Or what would you sell it for)?
Thermally, the driver is dropping about 1W per channel at full power, which gets things toasty. Putting it into a sealed box would be bad news, but in a ventilated enclosure junction temperature remains acceptable.
Maybe...... a heat sink for the chip is in order? :idea:
I'm looking at a thermal pad from the bottom layer to a case or heatsink.
Neat! Not very expensive either. Does this heatsink need active cooling?
I finally got my shtuff together and ordered my tank yesterday. Gotta figure out the location and how I want to plumb it.
That is a tiny driver board.
How thick do you think the sink needs to be for the 16up?