LED's are bad for our Hobby

I would shoot for 500/600 in the centre and 250ish on sandbed ,if your running the matrix and the V3 your twigs grow for fun. good luck get some pics up as it will make me take the plunge and get some more lights on .Last resort ive still got my halides as a fall back.

...also led lights do not reflect back from the water and sand bed etc...

Care to elaborate?

It is physically impossible for light, from any source, to not reflect off a reflective surface.

Now, I will add and agree that the common LEDs we see are far too directional in nature. It's quite interesting to see the spectrum changes throughout the tank. I find that to be one of the biggest cons to LEDs so far. Some companies are addressing that so we'll see what the future brings.
I would shoot for 500/600 in the centre and 250ish on sandbed ,if your running the matrix and the V3 your twigs grow for fun. good luck get some pics up as it will make me take the plunge and get some more lights on .Last resort ive still got my halides as a fall back.


500/600 seems like a lot but that is a goal. Will not be running the V3 just t5 for now, fingers crossed they corals will adapt well.
Care to elaborate?

It is physically impossible for light, from any source, to not reflect off a reflective surface.

Now, I will add and agree that the common LEDs we see are far too directional in nature. It's quite interesting to see the spectrum changes throughout the tank. I find that to be one of the biggest cons to LEDs so far. Some companies are addressing that so we'll see what the future brings.

+1 on directional
I been thinking about this for a while.
May lights should be arranged more like a tanning bed.
Concave design ?
Currently led fixture are like MH without the relectors.
I agree, I was trying to say unless you have full led coverage over the tank the reflection from sand etc (disco effect)is limited as in my tank I have issues with shading and uneven distribution so I need additional light units to supplement the fixtures that are on the tank.I wasn't getting into becoming too technical just what happens for me and leds do work to a certain extent and if I go for full led coverage the initial costs out weigh the replacement tubes /bulbs but its what satisfies the end user.

my tank under halides and T5's

I agree, I was trying to say unless you have full led coverage over the tank the reflection from sand etc (disco effect)is limited as in my tank I have issues with shading and uneven distribution so I need additional light units to supplement the fixtures that are on the tank.I wasn't getting into becoming too technical just what happens for me and leds do work to a certain extent and if I go for full led coverage the initial costs out weigh the replacement tubes /bulbs but its what satisfies the end user.

my tank under halides and T5's

I think most companies under advise by almost half. If they say a fixture can do a 24x24 area, you better plan on 16x16 or 18x18 at most. On my soon to be 50g, Ecotech said one XR30 G4 would work but actual users told me to go with 2 XR30 G4s for best coverage or at least 1 XR30 and 1 XR15.

I know there are cheaper LEDs out there but I still don't care for any of them. Just not my taste in the end. The Philips CoralCare is the only led fixture on my watch list right now and it will be at least 12 months before I even contemplate a switch. MH/T5 will suit me just fine
Was it you using the aqua illuminations rails as I'm looking for a better solution than using hanging kits, if so did It hold the weight and are they easy to adapt.

Did you change all the original bolts and fastenings and replace with longer bolts and 2 nuts on each .What was the length of the bolts I read the thread was 4.5mm and did you use stainless steel ones. I have ordered the rails just need to sus out whether to put tubes on the back or go for radions G4 pro so that I can use the existing program I'm using on the g3's . I am not going to stick another orphek on ,more expense.
Did you change all the original bolts and fastenings and replace with longer bolts and 2 nuts on each .What was the length of the bolts I read the thread was 4.5mm and did you use stainless steel ones. I have ordered the rails just need to sus out whether to put tubes on the back or go for radions G4 pro so that I can use the existing program I'm using on the g3's . I am not going to stick another orphek on ,more expense.

Honestly i do not remember, the fixture is now down will have to measure.
I am running a GHL Mitras 6200 over about 300l of water. I have no truble keeping sps, infact they are growing out of my system now, i cant clean the gass due to sps overgrowing everywhere. Lucky i am upgradeding to a new tank in a weeks time. But for me the biggest problem with led, were realising that i dident need to run it at 100% to get succes, infact the system did best when the lights were running at around 80% in energy saving mode. You also have to figure out how to adjust each channel, so there is a bit of a learning curve with this.
I'm starting to build a new house and planning to start up a tank again. Just moving in dirt. Been out for about 5 years. I really thought that reading this thread would clear up everything for me about using LED's vs T-5's???? Oh well. :) Planning 8'x3'x3' tank.
For a tank that size you would need a large number of leds fixtures especially with the 3' depth you would be better with a hybrid unit or units such as the ATI then add additional units as you go . i have just about full coverage on my tank with 2 x Orphek V3 and 2 radion pro units also weigh up the cost factors for leds and they are not cheap and they also fail .

Thanks Bill. The LFS swapped over his show tank to Radions a few years ago (well all of his salt tanks). The tank looks good for the last 3 years, solid growth and colors. I see so many differing opinions that it's made me wonder if I'm doing right by choosing LED's, I'm second guessing. He said he'll help me set up and dial in the lights. His tank is the exact same size of what I'm looking to do, depth and width, but I'm going 2 feet longer, at 8 feet. I'm doing a mixed tank, I really enjoy the movement of softies in the tank.
Can you guess the type of lighting in this tank by looking at sandbed and all that other jazz? The area is 24x24 btw.


as you say its only 24 x 24 don't know the depth but prob I led unit


Well depth is irrelevant as that just affects intensity.

So what part makes you think it's led? Is there something in the picture that gives it away to you as it being an led?
I think you are missing the point of the thread ,my opinions about leds are that you need full coverage on a large tank to minimise the effects of shading and also what is the longevity of sps corals in led tanks as opposed to proven lighting rigs. It also depends on what corals you want to keep.I have full led coverage with numerous hard to keep corals ( 6 x SSC ,echinata,spaths )but it has been a long journey sorting the lighting to sustain my corals to some sort of success with a lot of heart ache.You pays your money and take the choice but you can bet that good leds can be expensive and also can fail .