LEDS pictures


New member
Does anyone know the way to take pictures under the LEDS only lighting? I cant seem to take any good ones... I have tried my macro lens and small lens 18-55mm with my canon EOS Digital Rebel XTi... I am confused by the inability to onbtain a good pic.... Anyone that knows more about this let me know please.....
well show me a bad pic.May help... probably the balance setting.... assuming you have a color issue...
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1. Use a tripod (helps sharpness)
2. Shoot in RAW if possible for a greater range of photo editing capabilities
3. Adjust the white balance before shooting... if this doesn't work, or your options are limited, import your photos into a program, such as Adobe Lightroom, and adjust the white balance to the approx. colour temp. of your tank there.

Hope this helps, good luck!