Leftover sale


New member
I am trying to get rid of whats left $250 take all

125 gal tank and stand not drilled
45 lbs salt
72 inch t5 lights from fishneedit.com with workhorse 7
some pumps
basicaly everything I have left
a wet dry sump needs holes patched
air pump, nets, a gate valve, 2 heaters
come and get it all
can you email me some pics of your tank? How many T5 lightbulbs are in the light, Also a photo of the stand. Can the tank be drilled, i.e. it isn't tempered?
I got some pics but they are kinda dark, here is what I have

tank and stand,
72 inch light fixture 8x39 with workhorse ballast
3 heaters
sorry not 45 pounds of salt, its enough to make 45 gallons plus alittle more, some oceanic and some instant ocean
rio 3100
3 off brand pond pumps
3 thermometers
air pump
4 extra bulbs for the light
a wet dry sump needs hole patched sorry no pic
1 fish net
2 plug extensions
and a bucket
the lights were only used for a couple of weeks
tank is only 3 years old
1 one inch gate valve
cheapo magnetic glass cleaner

Here are a few pics, The tank alone is worth way more that what I am offering.
soooo tempting.... wanted overflows built in, but for the price.... damnit

where are you located, how old are the lights?