Lens opinion


Life and Reef Saver
Sigma 70-300mm f/4-5.6 DG Macro Telephoto

I know it's not a true Macro lens, but per the reviews it can get great macro shots.
What kind of lenses do you have. That's not going to be good for shooting your tank. The minimum focusing distance is over 4 feet.
I just have the kit 18-55mm. Canon Rebel 300D.

Is the fact that I'd be shooting through the tank, not make this a good lens?
My opinion. It's an average lens to begin with. If you're looking new, it's about 200 bucks. You'd be better picking up a used Tamron 90mm f2.8 or a sigma 105mm f2.8 in around that price point. Then you have a good true macro, and it would have good glass.
The prices I'm finding both those lenses at start around $380, the ones I find have a bunch of letter designations that I don't understand though, I'm assuming they ate different features.
I believe Marc is referencing the first lens you posted. The nice thing about getting into most dedicated macros is they're all f2.8 or higher. That 90mm I had you look at is.
I'd definitely go for something like the Sigman 90mm macro (or better yet the Canon 100mm, but that's a bit pricier) instead of the 70-300. A telephoto can often make for a decent substitute for a macro lens in a pinch, but as others have stated, the 70-300 isn't the greatest of lenses, and you really start seeing the difference in image quality when you start talking telephotos. I wouldn't worry as much about aperture, as you're usually stopped down a bit for macro photos anyway, but if you're looking specifically for something to shoot your tank, that definitely would not be my first (or second, or third) choice. I used to own the Canon 70-300, which performed similarly from what I understand, and actually did quite well if you shot at around f/7.1 and avoided going beyond 200mm, but ultimately I just saved my nickles and dimes and bought the Canon 70-200L f/4. Of course, I don't use that lens for aquarium photography either.