Leopard Wrasse Opinions

Salty Waffles

New member
Hello, two weeks ago I added a female meleagris to my 125 LPS/SPS/Fish tank. She has been flashing occasionally for the past few days. Not excessively, but enough to get my attention. I am on the fence about pulling her to QT. I have read that her behavior could be normal for a Leopard Wrasse who is displaying mating behavior, but there are no other Leopard Wrasses in the tank, so not sure about this.

1. How old is this aquarium?
Tank has been running four months with water and live sand. Dry Pukani rock was cured with circulation and heat for 12 months. Obviously, the display tank cycled immediately. I've never had detectable levels of ammonia or nitrite.
So far, params have been rock steady.

2. If less than six months old, what is ammonia level?
0 ammonia
0 nitrite
5 ppm nitrate
dKH 8.3
Cal 420
Can provide other params if needed. I'm using Red Sea tests, except for the dKH which is a Hanna checker.

3. What is SG of this aquarium? How measured?
1.025 measured with Milwaukee electronic refractometer

4. When was the last fish added to this aquarium?
7 days ago, an Orange Banded Goby who is doing quite well.

5. Was it quarantined? If so, how? And how long? Was it prophylactically treated? How?
No, not quarantined. It was a calculated decision based on the wrasses excellent appearance and behavior at LFS. I was trying to avoid the stress of QTing this tougher to keep fish.

6. If you are using a copper based medication, which one? How often do you measure level? When?

7. If you are using hyposalinity, how did you calibrate your refractometer?

8. Please describe in detail, the appearance of the fish? If there is one or more pimples, are they lumpy? What color?
She looks very healthy. Excellent color. Clear eyes. Normal breathing. Full belly. No outward signs of stress or disease, other than yawning and flashing.

9. Please describe the behavior of the fish as best you can. Is it acting reclusive? Is it always up towards the top of the aquarium? Is it avoiding light? How active is the fish?
When introduced, she explored the tank for 20 minutes then buried herself in the sand bed for three days. She has been increasingly out and active, to the point where she is out most of the day.
She swims around normally around the lower half of the tank. She is not shy at all. She shows no aggression towards other fish, nor do any fish or other inhabitant bother her.
The behavior that concerns me is the occasional flashing and yawning. She has yawned since introduction, but not constantly. The flashing has only occurred for the last three days.

10. Is the fish eating? What?
She spends most of her time picking copepods off the sand, glass, and rockwork. She appears to eat some PE Mysis and Ocean Nutrition Formula Two, but primarily eats pods.

Additional info: No other fish have any symptoms of any sort nor have I ever had any sort of issues in this tank. The Blue Striped Cleaner Wrasse occasionally checks out the Leopard and will gently pick at her near her dorsal fin, but this seems normal as he does this with all the other fish in the tank.
Its hard to say much based on just those symptoms. It might be flukes since yawning and flashing are generally seen with flukes.

I would generally rule out most protozoan parasites for these fish. Leopard wrasses are generally very resistant to these kind of parasites due to their thick slime coat and due to the fact that they sleep under sand. To be honest, over 20 years in this hobby, I never seen a leopard wrasse with ich.

My main concerns are the pod population of a 4 month old tank. Unless you have a fuge or add bottled pods, it will run the tank dry of pod in few months. Plus if you intend catch it, good luck, It will dive into the sand the moment nets hit the water. They can move under sand and generally move under ledges near rocks. It would be nearly impossible to catch it.
I echo your concerns. Although I think I would have decent a chance at catching her. She doesn't shy away when I put my hands in the tank. The Cleaner Wrasse "cleans" my arm when its in there and the Leopard has seemed to take his lead and doesn't shy away from me.

Flukes are my main concern, but I've also read intestinal parasites are thought to be common with Leopards. Would she be flashing and yawning due to an internal parasite?

I am 100% certain she doesn't have ich.

My pod population exploded out of nowhere about a month or so back. Presumably they hitchhiked in on a frag, found their way into the fuge and multiplied from there without any preditation. I currently have several inches of rubble in the fuge and am feeding phyto to keep them going. Their population has taken a very noticeable hit since the wrasses have been in though. I am prepared to supplement their numbers if need be. I have considered adding some chaeto to give them more habitat but I worry about bringing my nutrients down too low for the lps.

What, if any, course of action would you reccomend? And thank you for your input!
I echo your concerns. Although I think I would have decent a chance at catching her. She doesn't shy away when I put my hands in the tank. The Cleaner Wrasse "cleans" my arm when its in there and the Leopard has seemed to take his lead and doesn't shy away from me.

Flukes are my main concern, but I've also read intestinal parasites are thought to be common with Leopards. Would she be flashing and yawning due to an internal parasite?

I am 100% certain she doesn't have ich.

My pod population exploded out of nowhere about a month or so back. Presumably they hitchhiked in on a frag, found their way into the fuge and multiplied from there without any preditation. I currently have several inches of rubble in the fuge and am feeding phyto to keep them going. Their population has taken a very noticeable hit since the wrasses have been in though. I am prepared to supplement their numbers if need be. I have considered adding some chaeto to give them more habitat but I worry about bringing my nutrients down too low for the lps.

What, if any, course of action would you reccomend? And thank you for your input!

You can use prazi in DT if really needed. But keep in mind prazi will also kill some of the beneficial worms in the tank.

You can also try to catch it and use a qt, there are methods to qt leopard wrasses. Plus you can train it to eat prepared foods there.