Leptoseris placement help


New member
Question on Lepto placement. I got a bright orange tangerine lepto several months ago that looks identical to this one down to the brown spots and frag shape except mine is bright orange.

I put it on the sand bed and it started bleaching within days so I moved it to a shady spot in a rock cave on the sand and it has recovered back to its bright orange. It obviously prefers low light which is making it hard to find a place for it. This is an old picture but the rock work is the same and the red circle is where it is located


My question is that it has started growing over the edges of the frag plate and doesnt seem to like the sand too much. So I am not sure where to put it now. I was thinking of putting it on a larger plate where it is since it likes the location or maybe gluing it to the side of the rock in the cave area and let it start encrusting? Any opinions?

Also, is the raised portion on the frag plug actually coral skeleton? Or is the lepto so flat that when you frag it you cut off chunks of the frag plate it is on and glue the chunks to a new plate?
When lepto is grown for culture, it is probably grown on thin flat ceramic surfaces , so that it can be broken into frags easily.
I like your idea of glueing just inside the cave. That will give it the opportunity to grow into as much light as it wants..
Beautiful little coral, btw.
I ended up gluing it to a small rock so it has more space to grow but can still be moved around. Here it is, still not fully recovered but considering it was almost completely white a month ago I think progress is being made. In the pic its not nearly as bright as it is in real life and it is actually orange all over just lighter shades in areas.

Next on my list is a DSLR camera. Getting pics with an iphone is a pain

I have an orange and a green.. tank has single point 'spotlight' lighting. I've placed the two lepto frags on the outside edges of the reef structure, on vertical walls. Not in the shade, really, but not in intense lighting, anyway. Both are spreading off of the plugs and encrusting quite well. Honestly, those two frags can encrust the entire outside edge of the reef. Be just fine with me. They're growing more down, away from the light, than up.
my neon green lepto has actually done really well getting blasted by light, it is on the highest part of my rock structure with acros about 6-8" below an led bar and t5's and has visible growth every day to the point it fused two rocks together and is now spiring.

That said my jack-o lepto didnt like the higher light and is about half way down the tank on the less bright side of my tank and seems to like it there.
low light. I have mine under the eggcrate or at the very end of the tank away from the light. Direct lighting (t5) will result in bleaching.
I have my jack o lantern, tangerine, toxic waste, mint, clepto, smoldering, hulk, snakeskin all in low light or under my eggcrate.