Lessons Learned

Saw this posted the other day

and it really has to be your attitude when going to LFS. I like to ask them questions, but I have my opinion of what the answer should be. If I get a different answer then back to the research desk.

What would really help us help you is a full equipment list, including sizes and brands. The tank is ok and likely doesn't have to be recycled, but the chemistry got pushed too far too fast by the addition (and demise) of livestock, among other problems.
Need amount of sand, whether live; what weight of rock, how much live rock versus not, etc.
sorry for your loss I recently had the same thing happen. I trusted my LFS and bought a Ritteri (H. magnifition) he later died as a result of my tank not being ready to handle him. cost me a 100 dollars and many trips with him to my LFS to figure out what was going on to only be told hes fine just pooping. lesson learned and I since have done a lot more research and have now been hosting a condy anemone for a month who is coming back from being bleached and is thriving in my tank.
It is so easy to do in this hobby. I had always owned freshwater aquariums. I would be so envious of the saltwater tanks when I went to the LFS that I decided to swap to marine tanks. In similar fashion, I was no where near prepared for the disaster that ensued. I mean, its an aquarium, how hard can it be right?

Three years later and I'm still learning. This hobby isn't like golf, you're never going to know it all. Just stick with it, keep learning, and as all of the other posters have said, ask first from a reputable source. I was duped by a LFS as well when I first got in to reefing. Now, I research beyond the point of absurdity and then purchase. This hobby will teach you humility and patience better than anything ever could. That or you'll just go broke. HA! Start small, research, and have patience. Best of Luck!
I've been researching on and off for about 3 years now...
I'm just now about to dive in, i don't think i can learn much more from reading and watching; gotta get my hands dirty now.
You are ahead of me ameera....I have been reading and saving up money and slowly buying equipment for 2 months. I'm HOPING to get my tank up and running by August. You've gotten a lot of great advice here, but the best advice I can give is to read this forum and pay attention to who seems to be giving the solid advice; then pay special attention to them (hint: listen to Sk8r :) )