Let's have a Mini-Swap or Meeting?!


New member
:hammer: In reading the various threads it seems it may be a good time to have an informal mini-swap or meeting?

If I recall correctly, we have someone that has volunteered the Cresent Center and I think someone has volunteered their house. I believe Marty gave us the greenlight to commence a meeting in an email a while back if someone would get it together.

I see several people are looking for corals and some are selling. I also see people looking for hardware and some are selling.

It sounds like at least one SPS collector is near a melt down and could use some counceling to address his issues. :spin2:

Barrett has volunteered to show us how to build your own sump or reactor out of acryllic.

Chris is on the front end of some new pellet technology that is just now becoming available. I would like to learn more about that.

As most of you know I am still a SW newbie so I don't know what else is of interest that could be put on the agenda, but that is a start.

So, I guess someone has to put out a suggestion, so how about a meeting on May 21st? Marty, as our ranking officer, will that meet with your approval? That would give everyone some time to do some wheelin' and dealin' before the meeting.

Can the two members that volunteered the meeting place check and see if that date will work for you and let us know. We will leave it up to you to tell us the times that will work.

All those interested raise your hands :wavehand: (and then put it on the keyboard and type as we cannot see your hands)

May 21 is fine for my conference room. It has more than enough room avail.

Crescent Center
6075 Poplar Ave Ste 221 (Humana)
Memphis TN 38119
Office schedule is clear so anytime should be fine. We actually have 2 rooms available if something wierd should pop up at the last minute.
Sounds like a good idea. Too bad I will be out of town that week!

Chris all your new corals still doing well??
Well Chris (assuming from the above bracket50 = Chris) it looks like 60+ folks have looked at this link and so far it is you and me.....maybe some of the local group will check in tonight...
<-----Chris, here too! LOL. I'm interested. I normally have to work till around 2 pm on Saturdays though. Also, I have been planning on joining the club but there hasn't been one to go to and join. If someone will be there to sign me up that would be cool too. Kerry, I always find your post entertaining. LOL
Well, we are up to two yes's (Chris and Kerry), a maybe (Jason) and four (other Chris) if we can meet after 2.

Sounds like we don't need a conference room, just a four door car in Memfish's parking lot after 2, or a booth at Corkies.

Okay, Missouri Jason (aka Jabo) where are you? You seem to be buying/selling every conceivable type of equipment and fish. You can visit Petco on the way back home. I did some CSI work and I could tell you have read this thread so you cannot hide....

Barrett, where are you....I have an idea on retroing (is that a word?) my sump....

As far as membership, in reading their last meeting notices, it states all are welcome to see what the club is all about. I guess that could be the first topic on the agenda. Quite honestly, I cannot remember when I joined if that included just the RC membership or both? If it wasn't in the first fee I paid, then I am not a member either.....but I thought I was....so I guess until then this is not a club meeting. hmm4:

Chris PenFan05+, I am glad someone appreciates my humor....
Sorry Rudolph. I thought I was following this thread. My schedule is changing after the 9th of May to day shift so I should be more available to attend a meeting. I'll look at May 21st as a potential round-up, assuming my wife doesn't have other plans.
I would attend a "mini swap" but as far as a meeting??? If there isnt a club officer there, it is not a "meeting"...I will do what ever though just let me know. I need to join the club so I dont feel guilty using their board all the time!

Does anyone know if there is going to be a "REAL" frag swap this year? September?
Well, it doesn't sound like there is much interest at this time and as I mentioned earlier it would not be a formal club meeting, especially if none of us are members....lol. I still did not find out if the fee I paid back in December included the local dues...anyway, it sounds like we should put it on the back burner until the Members make a move.........until then if we buy enough corals from Sklyer, maybe he will make a trip to Memphis for the exchange and we can do some other coral swaps as well....a non-santioned non-member mini swap, but we would not exclude Members if they wanted to participate:rollface:
looks like memfish liked the date as well, and liked the idea... or something like that. I hope they do not mind the hotlink and this is not me advertising, just sharing the info.

Well, it sounds like there is some interest, so we can simply do a frag/fish swap (not a formal meeting) if there is enough tradin' to do.....I will post a fresh seperate thread and everyone can post what they have to sell/trade or wtb.

If it is still okay for Bracket50 Chris then we can meet at this place (pretty near to Memfish) on May 21 (time - TBD but maybe 9AM?), or if there is just a couple of us I am guessing most of us will stop by Memfish to check out their event and we can exchange in the parking lot near them, or meet for lunch, or I can email one of the owner's and see if they care if we do an informal exchange at their place.

Mim - thanks for the Memfish event update!
I'm sure most of us will end up at Memfish on the 21st anyways, but my offer is still good if we have enough people that want to meet. It is 5 mins from Memfish.