Let's help our reefs

Level drummer I never said I wanted to stop shopping at the first store mentioned. I don't have many really solid suppliers I was just reccommending ones that I've heard good things about from multiple other stores. And I'm not a random stranger to them. Although I admit I realize I'm annoying. Btw love that profile pic .
But if you showed them how to collect responsibly, by implementing quotas, and enforcing it with harsh fines, then it could be sustainable.



Hahaha. I watched a documentary about Americans who taught sustainable catch methods to people in Bali. And it made things a little better but still not great. The reason I laughed at first was because it dosent take a genius to realize if you take to much of somthing without letting it breed it will eventually not exisist ( the fisherman). I believe that quotas are out there and so is the so called law enforcement . But things are so lose in that part of the world that officers could be paid off much easier , laws arnt enforced like they should be to begin with and ultimately if a poor fishermen can make more money by catching more fish in the right now despite the long run effects or laws in place they'll do it! Just like was mentioned earlier there's such a large demand of fish from this area that to them it wouldn't make sense to not catch as many as they want.
. . . I know there are reef clubs and stuff but what about supplying stores . . .

I don't know how well developed the local reef club is in your area (you should check it out) or if in fact there is one but here in Austin this is already being done. And this isn't a new development, although there is a much larger selsction now, when I worked in a local LFS in the mid 90's not only were corals brought in but one local aquarist was raising clownfish the LFS was selling. Currently there is so much produced if one takes the effort to ask around a very nice reef tank could be stocked with freebies.
Why don't local reefers supply local fish stores? Most stores in my area won't pay very much if they will even pay anything, they get corals much cheaper from suppliers the. What hobbyists expect to sell them for.
Hahaha. I watched a documentary about Americans who taught sustainable catch methods to people in Bali. And it made things a little better but still not great. The reason I laughed at first was because it dosent take a genius to realize if you take to much of somthing without letting it breed it will eventually not exisist ( the fisherman) Thus my point in stating you need a sustainable method. . I believe that quotas are out there and so is the so called law enforcement . But things are so lose in that part of the world that officers could be paid off much easier , laws arnt enforced like they should be to begin with I think that's a bit of a stereotype, but an officer could lose his job for being bribed. and ultimately if a poor fishermen can make more money by catching more fish in the right now despite the long run effects or laws in place they'll do it! Just like was mentioned earlier there's such a large demand of fish from this area that to them it wouldn't make sense to not catch as many as they want.It will when someone shows them what happens when there isn't breeding stock left

Oh, and harsh. Fines. :fun2:
People can show them as much as they want but as long as there situation stays the same as far as there finaceial state I believe that they will still remain the same person. There have been multiple studies done that show people would rather die than change . People who couldn't eat certain items that love them , have show most the time that they eat the thing they love and hurt there health conditions fathers than stop eating it and survive.
I believe the same applies with these people. Not matter how much you preach, teach and help there mind sets are differnt and there minds are set.
However if we were to ban there "product " to a degree until they are forced to do things the right way , and have there products certified than that might be a cause for them to care .

Of course there are some really good individuals , and some REALLY bad individuals , but I think the majority are just like I stated in earlier posts.
Faith in humanity gone.

That's just sad that people would rather die than change. But you have to remember they say that when they are comfortable, if it came down to it, people would change if they were faced with death.
Why don't local reefers supply local fish stores? Most stores in my area won't pay very much if they will even pay anything, they get corals much cheaper from suppliers the. What hobbyists expect to sell them for.

Here in San Antonio we get 50% of the retail price of the coral