Cyano is still declining (and in fact I have noted that certain especially hard to remove 'cyano' patches are intead coralline) and the halimeda forest is sproating it's second spurt of new growth already (on all plants simultaneously... it's weird).
I have thre new growth halimedaand the shaving brush has even made another growth surge to 'break-out' of its cyano cocoon.
I am pretty happy.
Noticed the first 100% positive patches of coralline on the tank-glass just yesterday and it gave me a warm, happy glow.
While the red bubble-bush still hasn't rooted itslf to the rock it is growing upwards and outwards from the near bare branch that it started from. Did lose the last brush-sprout (uprooted by a nassarius; though it wasn't doing great anyway). There may just not be enough food/soil/waste in the DSB to support the runners yet and the cyano covering some of the parent couldn't have helped either. Putting alot of elbow grease into the tank currently to stay ahead of the cyano (and hopefully defeat it utterly soon), but I am enjoying it a great deal and love noticing the little improvements daily.
This weekend I need to push one part of the aqua-scaping back a little to increase space on the sand up front. Currently more of my plants would have to be placed behind the rockwork than I anticipated and I want the space to place a few select LR frags in for eventual polyp/zoo colonies.
Only looking for what I call the 'mushroom' caleurpa, some bright zoos and shrooms (being VERY selective), some fire-dusters (a nice colony-rock would be perfect; still holding a shaded space for it) and the mermaids wine-glass plants (which I have yet to find locally still).
Hopefully this weekend will be the deciding victory over cyano and the tank'll be clean enough to post some more pics of all the wonderful growth (right now I feel like the king on prom-night, with a big zit on my nose).
SubmarinR: I have heard of the root-bulbs regrowing after time; showing seasonal growth. In fact instead of just removing the mermaids-fan altogether, I simply clipped the greenery off and re-planted the bulb in a dirtier/more favorable area in hopes it would return.
Plantbrain: I should be so lucky to have as many weeds as you have available...

I'll keep ya'll updated in this threadon the cyano -vs- halimeda-zilla wars... :lol:
PixelFish: Thanks. I have had prbolems with getting it's runners to survive, but the parent plant is doing really well. I can't even take any credit for it doing so well, save that I put it in moderate current w/ good light and then left the root alone (I do turkey-baster the 'leaves' to clear detritus every few days). It looks ugly at the moment, but is regrowing strong breaking free of the cyano-skin.
Cheers all,
p.s. - think I can crash on the couch should I ever be in South Africa or Florida? Would love to be able to walk out to the beach, snorkel around for a bit and find something to add to the tank...

/envy on