here's the fire and ice and candy apples i got. you cant see all the fires because the other side is full of polyps too.
sorry about the cell phone pic. i wish i knew why these candy apples dont open all the way while the other 3 greens on the same plug are open all the time? :/
Why order hermits? They should be avoided. Hermits can irritate zoas.
Herbivore snails are welcome.
Sorry about your trouble.
I know they walk over zoas, but they never do any noticeable damage in my experience.
They irritate them. Not healthy. And you've got lots of hermits!!
They could damage the polyps when they try to still food particles, in case you feed the polyps.
I seen R2G had a good deal on their Zoas yesterday all of them was 9.99$ did anyone take advantage of the sale?
Nice looking frags ^ I love the blue centers and red skirts. How much do you sell your frags for?
Hmm, I love hermits, have all kinds of Zs&Ps, and I wouldn't consider the polyps closing up briefly due to a wayward hermit leg or claw ,irritating. I have yet to see one destroy any tissue and I enjoy their frag cleaning habits.