It doesn't have to be this complicated....
This is the real world and here it is in simple real world terms.....
Really Matt? So you understood every answer to every question when even they didn't seem exactly sure? When some of the questions were asked the first guy (didn't pay attention to the names) would look a little confused IMO and then he would look to the other guy for an answer. At times they didn't completely answer some of the questions. Oh, and why do you think some of us aren't living in the real world?
As far as the questions that supposedly go on and on without answers (REALLY).....
Yes really. There was a hobbyist who asked a question and then the "speaker" gave an answer. After he gave the answer the hobbyist asked again because he really didn't answer it. There were more questions with only vague answers. What about the question I asked about some hobbyist selling more frags than others because they have a larger tank? Larger tanks usually have more corals which leads to more fragging and that leads to more selling, trading and giving than someone with a smaller tank. Does that make me a commercial business even though I am doing the same thing as someone with a smaller tank is doing? Maybe larger tanks should only have the same amount of corals that a smaller tank has? Better yet, a larger tank should only have all fish like yours.
Wait till they start regulating selling the fish. Oh, that fish that out grew your tank, it attacks your other fish, etc. Sorry but you need a license to sell, trade or give the fish away. Also a retail license, etc. :lolspin:
IMO that's only for those that don't want to HEAR the answers ....
Sounds like you are referring to me. What I want are solid straight answers. Another hobbyist asked what were the repercussions for selling frags without the licenses? Do you remember what her answer was? Yeah, another vague one.
If a store or seller doesn't know what it is (TELL THEM).....TELL them and get it written down so you have an origin.
Doesn't always mean that you or the store will know exactly which specie it is. Some corals can't be identified unless you have a dead skeleton in front of you.
So to sell frags on here do we have to present a certificate? How about trading frags for dolla bills yo? Sounds ridiculous to me, especially on the small scale side of things. I've never really sold any frags to make any real money, lol.
What does the law say about trading? Gifting? What if we sell frag plugs and include the coral for free?:wildone:
Interesting topic nonetheless, tagging along......carry on
But officer, he is only paying me for the pee cup. It even has a pretty blue lid. :lolspin:
If I understood correctly you still need a license to trade, but maybe I am wrong?
Wait we need an aquaculture license to grow corals now? Technically arent we all farmers? we grow corals to a large size and then when its too large we frag them and distribute them between other reefers for a slight profit. So doesnt every reefer need an aquaculture license then?
From what I understood the answer was yes.
Few questions that might have been answered else where..
How long do this license last before a renewal is needed ?
Also, what would be the penalty for improper documents ?
For example not having documents on corals which I have purchased or traded in the past and not having a license..
I am not opposed to this idea seems like all the hobbyist are missing the point of "frag swap" and seem to wanna charge an arm and a leg for a frag and feel that their frag might be worth more than another frag which is the main reason I am not as involved.
I don't think the renewal question came up. No straight answer on the penalty question. I don't think the hobbyist are missing the point of a frag swap. Sure some people will swap, but not everyone will. The purpose of trimming/fragging back the corals is because there is no more room. Where would you put more corals if you could only swap them?
I don't see anything wrong with people charging a lot of money for a coral if they paid a large sum or not. Why should one person pay big bucks for a highly sought after coral and then sell it to someone for cheap? If someone wants it bad enough and are willing to pay the price then more power to them. Some corals are worth more while others aren't. Buy or don't buy.
Yes, I still think they are opening up a can of worms. Am I against it? No, but I think they need to have answers for all our questions. What about identifying corals? Are they going to have an expert on hand? The reason I say a can of worms is because there are so many different situations that they haven't thought of yet. I think/hope they will get it all figured out, but until then there are going to be a lot of bumps in the road.
Did everyone come out of the meeting understanding everything or am I the only one who didn't?