Lets Try this!! REEF GUYS BBQ!!

Sorry, I was in a accident yesterday... I totaled my Titan on a staled car. A 40 MPH Crash... The good news is everyone is ok. The bad news is I totaled my baby and I'm very sore. I'm on the couch with ice packs. This is one of the only things to stop me from coming. I hope you guys have fun, and I WILL BE at the next one. Unless I wreck and total my 2 cars as well... Who knows in Tucson.
Well we only got a showing of three people. Hopefully next time will work better. I rely appreciate those that did show up and we had a lot of fun just hanging out and talking about the hobby we all love. I will throw another one next month if I can get abetted showing!
Well, wallets willing and girlfriend willing me and my brother will be there. We are mostly noobs in the hobby, him since February my since...well about 2 weeks.
there is no money needed! It was just a get together to talk about each other's tanks future plans. We promote trading frags for nothing, just like you used to trade sports cards or whatever when you were a kid. It will all come back to you one way or another. So for newbies, this is the best kind of get together. We are not trying to make money off each other here in Tucson, if you want to sell frags online for money, great but I would promote just free or small $$ amounts to each other. In a perfect world! LOL
I haven't been on forum for a while- Dad passed away and Mom in the hospital last week- but I would definitely come to another one.
Yes i would host another one for sure, unless someone else wants to take the honors. I would just like to get people together to hang out and have fun on a regular basis.

Lovelylinda--Sorry to hear...this year has definitely not been a good one. I thought everything was supposed to be fine in 2009.
Thanks to Fitchguy and his family for the hospitality. It was nice meeting everyone and hopefully we can do it again.
Hey Fitch give me an idea as to when your planning another one I may be able to bring a few with me this time. >:D
Hey Fitchguy. I'm pretty new to this forum but I think you should be commended for putting something together like that. That is extremely nice of you. It's always hard to get people together these days. We all have a common interest but are also very busy with other things as well. Especially in the summer months. So much going on with vacations, sports, family events, etc... Probably the summer is the worst time to try to plan something like that in Tucson.

With that said I hope you will plan to do it again. May be in the early Fall. And give people a good 3-4 weeks notice to get their plans straight. Perhaps with a little effort a Reef Club could get off the ground after all.