LF: 2 Jebao DCS 12000 pumps

Just raise your power and controller higher than water could ever leak. I was working on creating brackets for both so I can mount them high in stand but never got around to it. So sadly I am paying the price. Good thing is that reefbreeders rocks and has some on the way for me.
Thats a good reminder to keep my power supplies away from any possible water damage. I need to completely redo my electrical organization before this problem happens to me.

So your leak shorted/burnt out more than just the pumps? Did you not have your tank on a GFCI?
Pumps were on the GFCI strip (Which did trip off but I guess to late).. Yes I lost a bunch more Reefkeeper PC4, Ballast for LED strip light, PP-20 Controller only on that PC4.
Is the pumps ok? IF so you can get the pump controllers for the reef keeper, might be cheaper that way.
Matt, thanks. I always wondered if it works with dcs. I asked digital aquatics a few weeks ago. Never heard back. I would love it if I could. I still need a power adapter
Matt, thanks. I always wondered if it works with dcs. I asked digital aquatics a few weeks ago. Never heard back. I would love it if I could. I still need a power adapter
I have 2 of them...You can always stop by when your up this way to look at how I have mine set up...
2 dcs on a controller? I will buy what is needed if I can get my 2 dcs to go 80% in day time and 40% at night while alternating pump power on hourly bases.
2 dcs on a controller? I will buy what is needed if I can get my 2 dcs to go 80% in day time and 40% at night while alternating pump power on hourly bases.

yep you can run 2 pumps on one controller and yes you can do all that with it.
DCI works fine with RKE and can be moved over to Archon if you get later.

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