LF: Apex Controller


New member
I'm looking for an Apex system for a new tank. Perhaps even modules (lighting/dimming & vortech mp) or probes that can I can piece together a setup. Not looking to break the bank, but I am aware of their value. I'm still learning about them, so I'm not familiar with all of their accessories. Let me know what you have. Thanks.
Once you have enough posts you will be able to search for them on the main forum. There are constantly components on the main forum and I've pieced the majority of my controller together from there. I think that the only things that I've bought new were WAV, DOS, and my salinity and PH probes.
Cardiffgiant, hate to sound so stupid, but which is the "main" forum you were refering too?
JonezNreef, thanks for the link, that may be a potential one. Would prefer something a little closer, unless they're willing to ship, it shouldn't be a problem.
Ok, thanks. You are right, I can't access it. I have a long way to go to make it to 50 posts. It's a shame I won't be able to utilize that resource any time soon.
I'll be selling mine shortly. I'm still on the process of breaking everything down though. Get your post count up and shoot me a private message.
Just wanted to thank AdamAquatic for hooking me up with a sweet Apex controller, great guy. Also thanks to Robthorn for the help and advice. Can't wait to get my tank setup.
Hey man, I'm happy it worked out! I'll look forward to seeing how your tank turns out. Enjoy! :)

Transaction with Sig32 went smoothly. I highly recommend for buying, selling and trading.