LF Blue-Eyed Cardnials


New member
Anyone seen any at a LFS? Looking for 3-5

orafarm said:
The Blue Streak Cardinal is a mouthbrooder that is very difficult to raise in captivity, therefore making them only sporadically available.

Source- http://www.orafarm.com/products/fish/cardinals/blue-streak/

And for those that don't know..

dictionary.com said:
(of similar things or occurrences) appearing or happening at irregular intervals in time; occasional: sporadic renewals of enthusiasm.
appearing in scattered or isolated instances, as a disease.
isolated, as a single instance of something; being or occurring apart from others.
occurring singly or widely apart in locality: the sporadic growth of plants.

Would love to have a few if I could find them also. Good luck and keep us posted.
Based on my understanding, stores dont really stock them because they look like a freshwater fish and dont sell well. I had to order mine through Jeff at coral reef farm. I love them though. The blue eyes get really blue sometimes, not sure if its when they are mating/spawning/feeding or what. I have 1 or 2 carrying a brood as we speak. Ive noticed that theyve become quite expensive now. When i bought them like 2 years ago they were about $7 each, now ive seen them between $12-15.
I paid $8 for the one I bought yesterday

The first thing my son said was "hey that's a freshwater fish, he can't be in there" the stark contrast to most SW fish is what makes them cool.

The family wasn't impressed
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Almost everyone that comes to see my tank are impressed by mine. Once you get a small school going, they will look more interesting. I had i believe 9-10 and they dwindled down to 5. I think you have to stay with around 5 or get alot, like 20. I tried 2 times to get a med school going of about 10 and both times they seemed to have dwindled down to about 5 or so.
Struck out at strictly they had a bunch of banagai and pajama but no blue eyed. I gave them my name and number in case they get more. They did have an Achilles tang that I considered buying but not time yet.