LF: Copperband Butterfly


New member
Does anyone know where I can find a decent sized copperband butterfly fish? I called a few LFS' and the largest is 3" in diameter. Is anyone selling one or have one for trade?
Does anyone know where I can find a decent sized copperband butterfly fish? I called a few LFS' and the largest is 3" in diameter. Is anyone selling one or have one for trade?

I see them pop up on Divers Den every now and then.

LiveAquaria has some large ones for $50. I've always had good experiences with LA/DD.

Divers Den also has a gym tang available right now if you want to go the route [emoji3]

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Does anyone know where I can find a decent sized copperband butterfly fish? I called a few LFS' and the largest is 3" in diameter. Is anyone selling one or have one for trade?

Finding them is not hard sadly. Getting them to eat other foods like my mysid and flakes is extremely hard. I have gotten 4 this in the last 3'years to eat other foods. It's a two month process.

I see them pop up on Divers Den every now and then.

LiveAquaria has some large ones for $50. I've always had good experiences with LA/DD.

Divers Den also has a gym tang available right now if you want to go the route [emoji3]

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I don't want to buy online because I want to see it ahead of time and to make sure it's eating frozen, pellets, nori, flakes or something similar.

As for the gen tang I already have two. No more room for a third. šŸ˜‰
Finding them is not hard sadly. Getting them to eat other foods like my mysid and flakes is extremely hard. I have gotten 4 this in the last 3'years to eat other foods. It's a two month process.

That's why I want to buy local to see it eat ahead of time. Do you sell them or were the ones you trained all your own?


That's why I want to buy local to see it eat ahead of time. Do you sell them or were the ones you trained all your own?

I keep selling them or lending to reefers in need of aptasia remedy. The one on the picture is over 2 year old. He went to war in my 210 gallon and Mikes 300 gallon tank which was over run by aptatsia.

I have been meaning to post my experience on getting them to eat other foods. It took 2 months to get the one in the picture to eat mysid alone. Now he eats pellets, mysid, flakes, and nori. He even likes to chase my yellow tang around.

You are on the right track on find one that feeds. You would be amazed how many in LFS don't eat becuase of other fish aggression or not already starving and mysid / brine is only food. Also in some LFS they are espoused to ich and other bugs along with stress of fish aggression.

I have gotten slim / small cb before to healthy points, but it is a lengthy process. In short please do your research on keeping them. They are 100 percent worth it.
Have you called FAOIS???

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Yes. I contacted the local LFS' but they are between 2.5-3". I'm looking for one a little larger between 4-5". I would consider buying one smaller if I knew it would eat my sis, pellets, flakes, nori etc...
Why are you looking for a larger one? IME smaller fish are usually easier to convert to a captive diet. I ordered a small copperband online and got a large one, and while it ate all my aiptasia (and acans) I couldn't ever get it to consistently eat anything other than Rod's food.


Why are you looking for a larger one? IME smaller fish are usually easier to convert to a captive diet. I ordered a small copperband online and got a large one, and while it ate all my aiptasia (and acans) I couldn't ever get it to consistently eat anything other than Rod's food.

Agree %100. I would add, even if not eating well at LFS as long as they are not thin you might be ok. The one in pictures was about 3 inch when I got him. I would have to ask Mike how big was it when I gave him to him. You would be amazed how easy it can be to get them to eat again if not stressed and if enticed with the right food. In some cases where they are thin I was able to fatten them up quickly and start the conversion process once plump but in that case I was 4 months in. Please note like Aarron mentioned they do tend to pick on some corals. Some of my past CB loved anems others acans and clams.
I got one from FAOIS. It was larger than 3". He said it eats my sis but he didn't have any on hand but showed me it eating worms.
Perfect they all eat black worms. Did you they sell you any black worms while there? Is it plump or thin?
He looks healthy. He didn't sell me any worms. Can you PM me your number and I can send you some pictures.
Z does a really good job acclimating CBB. He helped me with mine and now he thrives.

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Thanks Joe. Happy to see him doing well on your last video :). I have had great success with potters which I traded for a red dragon colony and a 1.5 year old Moorish Idol that unfortunately jumped out of tank into overflow. It is vital that one put the time into such wonderful fish. If not leave them in ocean or get hardy proven fish. Hope this info helps as I really need to start keeping the fish for myself :).
BigzMan - please do share your methods for Copperbands and getting them to eat mysis in a populated tank. It hink we'd all be interested in how to get them to work in our tanks.
BigzMan - please do share your methods for Copperbands and getting them to eat mysis in a populated tank. It hink we'd all be interested in how to get them to work in our tanks.

+1 on this. Would love to hear some personal experience on how you go about this just incase