LF: Copperband Butterfly

Agree %100. I would add, even if not eating well at LFS as long as they are not thin you might be ok. The one in pictures was about 3 inch when I got him. I would have to ask Mike how big was it when I gave him to him. You would be amazed how easy it can be to get them to eat again if not stressed and if enticed with the right food. In some cases where they are thin I was able to fatten them up quickly and start the conversion process once plump but in that case I was 4 months in. Please note like Aarron mentioned they do tend to pick on some corals. Some of my past CB loved anems others acans and clams.

I had for just over 12 months. He grew by about 1/3. He acclimated well, and instantly took on aptaisia as well as my normal feeding of high protein pellets (4x daily) and mysis shrimp 1x daily. Having a "fair" loading of fish, there was always a little competition for food which also tended to be a good thing to get all to eat well. Some say I overfeed, but usually all the feedings were consumed so not much waste. it's gonna be a hit and miss on consuming aptasia, but so are most all fish are if your trying to target to "a pest" in the tank. For instance, my Naso would devour bubble algae (at least what he could get to), the CBB, aptasia anywhere it could reach it, the rubyheaded wrasse was always on the hunt for something that I could never see, but these all were "luck of the draw". I have had several CBB that would not even touch anything but what I hand fed. As always, your biggest "task" is to introduce into your tank without compromising the health of the other fish.

Good luck for sure! One thing is for sure..... and that is nothing is for sure!!! :)
I don't want to buy online because I want to see it ahead of time and to make sure it's eating frozen, pellets, nori, flakes or something similar.

As for the gen tang I already have two. No more room for a third. šŸ˜‰

You already have two Gem Tangs???? Dang man that's a quick $5000.
Hows the copperband? Any updates?

He has been doing well eating off the rocks in my main display and has had a full stomach. I finally caught him with a new net I purchased today at Coral Corral. I put him in a QT about an hour ago. I put some black worms in there but he didnt eat any. Im hoping just because he is a little stressed.


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Finding them is not hard sadly. Getting them to eat other foods like my mysid and flakes is extremely hard. I have gotten 4 this in the last 3'years to eat other foods. It's a two month process.

I might if missed it but what type feeder is that?