LF Strawberry shortcake


New member
Does anyone have strawberry shortcake acro for sale or trade? Looking for a nice sized piece no little frags please.
Drysdales had a frag a few weeks back. Not sure what he was asking though.

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I don't want to but for a decent offer I could cut a decent frag. My colony is small and the frag would just come out how it comes out. No idea on price until I actually go to cut it.
Thanks Rob. If you want to make a frag I'll take it, just shoot me an estimate first. If you don't want to cut one I understand completely. I was just hoping someone had this getting in the way.

Roger, yes but only a small piece made it. how's your piece doing? Has it got the color back?
I moved it into the display after almost a year in QT about 3 months ago. It's growing nice and the new growth is showing nice color
Up to you I guess. Color is good on mine but can change at any time. Light lime green with decent red coralites.
That's good to hear Roger. I look forward to seeing it next time I come by.

Thank you Rob, I don't want you to cut up your coral for me. Just let it grow man. Thank you very much for the offer, that is really nice of you and I appreciate that.