LFS and quiet drive


New member

Well I am wondering what day the LFS will have the new quiet drive from ecotech.

I will be upgrading 2 of my mp40s with the quiet drive. Should I order online or pickup from LFS? I want it ASAP!! lol..

Anyone with connections to LFS or store owners can chime in..

If I'm not mistaken, I believe the MP40 is the only pump that will require a completely new purchase (wet/dry/driver/etc) vs replacing just the driver.... again, I could be very wrong but check with the guys over at FAOIS.
Yes but I don't think u save a lot of money. It might be cheeper to sell what u have and get all new if current pump is in good condition.
The driver is only $50 on their website. You'll still have the same amount of flow but it will be silent on your existing wet/dry side.
The driver is only $50 on their website. You'll still have the same amount of flow but it will be silent on your existing wet/dry side.

So the only difference is the driver. That's hard to beleive they used the same crappy bearing they used before in the dry side. I guess we will c. Since nobody has there hands on them yet to for r selves.
I must be slow or something. How can the driver eliminate the whining sound from the dry side?

I know little about Ecotechs design.

But i do know about electronics, the noise your are hearing is the pinging of the PWM.

The lower the PWM (hz) the louder it gets because your putting it in the range of what we can hear.

Higher PWM (hz) the noise to seems to go away, I say seems because its just over what we can hear.

In the industrial world, the higher in PWM (hz) you go on a motor, the more heat it will generate and the motor will not last as long.

The motor winding is being ping at a higher PWM (hz). You can compensate with a thicker insulation on the motor windings.

I am no means saying this will be the case of the new Ecotechs pumps.
I must be slow or something. How can the driver eliminate the whining sound from the dry side?

In the video I saw. The president of ecotech described the vortech as a merry go round. The technology in the old driver the merry go round is being pushed by one person and with the new driver the merry go round is being pushed by 100 people, thus making less noise.


Aesthetically the black goes with my set up. Hey $75 bucks to get rid of the annoying humming sound. I say it's worth it. Plus it has new flow patterns like gyre. Also they are upgrading ESL and the pumps will be able to tell you their temp, revolutions per minute and when it needs to be cleaned.. Not sure if that will be with new style only or both.

I hopefully get mine next week! I guess we will have to wait and see..
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It sucks that something similar could have been achieved with a firmware upgrade.....the mp40 did get a dryside upgrade to be similar to the mp10 and mp60 which is better.... For those upgrading just the driver do not expect this to be a miracle fix as not all the noise you might be experiencing comes from signals and how the pump is being driven. It might fix your issue or it might not, I would rather buy a whole new pump and sell the old one than just upgrade.
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It sucks that something similar could have been achieved with a firmware upgrade.....the mp40 did get a dryside upgrade to be similar to the mp10 and mp60 which is better.... For those upgrading just the driver do not expect this to be a miracle fix as not all the noise you might be experiencing comes from signals and how the pump is being driven. It might fix your issue or it might not, I would rather buy a whole new pump and sell the old one than just upgrade.

True. If you're bearings are shot then don't expect it to help much..

Here are some actual results.
