Wow, this thread turned kind of ugly.
I went to SWR, thought Rob was an awesome dude whom had some serious knowledge. Really like the LED lighting system that an ABQ. local builds. Prices did seem a bit high on some things but there is all kinds of factors like overhead, and mortality rates that get factored in. I did see the $180 black percs. Those are a mated wild caught pair, not the typical tank raised ORA fish that we all have in our tank, I paid $50 for a pair and recently replaced one of them for $35.
Anyway, things like corals and fish or any other collectible item is worth whatever someone is willing to pay, Ive probably overpaid, so to speak, for a coral somewhere down the road but I saw it and liked it. Ordering coral online is almost always not what it seems. I think all of you in ABQ. are lucky to have a LFS that is knowledgable and has a great selection of dry goods that you can have instantly. Whos gonna mail order DTs Live Phytoplankton at $25 extra for shipping.