LFS question

Deep Reef

Active member
Just wondering if anyone has been buying from allfish since they put their QT facility in place? wondering if fish have a better survival rate
I have about a 50/50 chance with allfish, which is about medium seeing no fish from exotic has lived and most from marine ent have. Have yet to buy from eleit marine so no idea there.
I've bought fish from all of the stores. The majority of the time the fish I've lost could have been avoided if I qt'd the fish.

At the end of the day, the best practice would be to qt your fish prior to putting in your display.
I have a few from them and they have been perfect since day one .....pre qt facility and post qt facility .......did you go on the tank hop we visited the qt facility
I purchased several items from Marine.net - four fish: two gobies and two wrasse

Of course, those that know me, I qted the fish but under advice from a trusted source it was determined the qt might be too stressful for these fish so they were drip acclimated to the display.

The wrasses didn't survive the night. The gobies are doing fine, eating anything I'll give them.

I also spoke to another reefer who came to pick up some pumps and he also said he didn't have very good success with Marine.net

I'm not knocking them, just posting my experience - hopefully someone can chime in.

my 2cents
yeah I was just wondering cause I use to see ich in their tanks all the time prior to the new QT facility. I have purchased from Exotic aquatic I am about 50/50 with them and about 0 for 3 with pet world. To be honest, I believe some of it is me and my QT method which I am working on. So I figured I'd try Allfish again. I just bought a one spot foxface. we'll see how it goes.

No I missed the tank hop. I really wanted to see the facility.:(
I purchased a flame about 2 months ago from marine net and it is doing great. I made sure it was eating like a pig at their facility and brought him home. I don't have a qt and it's been a perfect tank mate!
Well I do plan to buy from eleit, just every time the fish I want is sold lol. All fish isnt terrible, just some days are worse then others, think it depends alot on who is working on if the fish get taken care of right that day. Guess we are lucky to have so many ofs to choose from that we can go to onr for corals, one for fish and so on unlike some places with 1 or no lfs
I purchased several items from Marine.net - four fish: two gobies and two wrasse

Of course, those that know me, I qted the fish but under advice from a trusted source it was determined the qt might be too stressful for these fish so they were drip acclimated to the display.

The wrasses didn't survive the night. The gobies are doing fine, eating anything I'll give them.

I also spoke to another reefer who came to pick up some pumps and he also said he didn't have very good success with Marine.net

I'm not knocking them, just posting my experience - hopefully someone can chime in.

my 2cents

thanks for the .02 but he was speaking of allfish not marine.net lol
another thing you need to think of with these LFS stores that claim they are QTing everything first before selling is ARE THEY ACTUALLY QTing or just monitoring and medicating.......

allfish....not a true QT just a deworm and medicate (not copper) with nitrofurazone and monitor for a period of time then sell

elite marine.....not a true QT either just a lowered salinity (salinity is not low enough to even effect the ick parasite, I believe Lance stated he takes it to .013, and not even on all fish sold just responsive ones (some fish dont do well with a lowered salinity so they are skipped)) and deworm then monitor for a period of time before selling

NOW ....while both of these are wonderful things above and beyond what most LFS'd do still don't get confused thinking that this is a true QTing process and just because you purchase a fish from these that it should live, even liveaquaria advises you QT all purchases from them and they have an even more stringent process they use.....

only a few things have shown to truly eradicate the parasites we have come to know as problematic and just lowering the salinity a few pts or medicating with nitrofurazone will not accomplish this...everyone should follow what process they think will work for them and base there %s on that and go from there just don't complain if its not working, just modify and move forward.....all three of these LF's mentioned sell wonderful products, you just have to learn how to judge the specimen on sight, play the percentages and be willing to live with your choices....
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Well my one spot didn't make it. :( I didn't see it eat at the store, that's my fault...didn't see it eat when I got it home. I tried everything...I'll have to keep looking for a foxface for my tank.