light confussion

those aren't individually reflected t5's. I would highly recommend spending the extra money and buying the tek or some other higher end light. do it right the first time!
Yes, T5 is better than PC lighting, but different brandnames are going to have different quality and value, like the difference between an OXO or a Kershaw Shun chef's knife.

Also like Keith mentioned, that T5 fixture has a single reflector which increases output by 99% whereas a fixture like the TEK uses individual reflectors which increase output by 300%.
hmm ok, so what lights should i get that i can find locally. i dont want to spend over 300 bucks, or try not to anyways.. right now i have that coralife one which im going to take back if i can find the recipet. i would like to have MH's in it as well but thats not required.
I would suggest these:
48" 4x54W SLR T5 High-Output Retrofit Kit w/ Bulbs
by IceCap Price: $299.00
either what djmicl said if you have a canopy, or if you don't I would HIGHLY recommend matt's light. I've seen a 55 gallon tank with the 4 bulb tek fixture on it and yes you could keep anything in there. but I would deff just spend the little extra and buy a 4 bulb unit vs 2, because later down the road you will want the 4 bulbs.
matt i'll buy your lights. let me know. i can pick up tonight prolly. just as long as everything is good with it. how old are the bulbs? do i need anything else for it?

heh its taking me 3 times to buy the right lights...
try Eco Reef Aquarium or the Coral Reeef Farm see if they can get you the Sun light supply tek 5. I have 8 bulb for my 90 gal and am growing EVERTHING!
i dont think i can fit the 8 bulb on mine. whats the difference between that one and matts besides the number of bulbs.