Light requirement for refugium


New member
What is the light cycle requirement for a refugium. It is a reverse cycle light on at night and off during the day. Or lights all the time.
Depends on you really.
Some keep the lights on all the time to help prevent the macros from going sexual.
But if you use algaes like Chaetomorpha you needn't worry about that.
I go the 12 on 12 off route.
If you elect to go this way put them on opposite of your tanks lighting to help maintain a more stale pH.
Chaeto is also known as Spaghetti algae.
I would use Chaeto over any type of Caulerpa, personally.
Ditto on the Chaetomorpha, it's very stable and easy to remove the excess. Grape caulerpa can be very unstable, easily go's sexual and crashes. As do most caulerpa's.
I run my 'fuge lights (two 45 watt screw-in PC lamps) 24/7. I use mostly Chaeto with a small amount of a few caulerpas.
