Lighting and Yumas


New member
I am planning on setting up another tank that I will put some more yumas and florida rics in. I would like the option to be able to put some corals in that have higher lighting requirements as well. If I use metal halides, will the yumas do alright in the tank? I currently have all my yumas under 192W of PCs and they do well with that. Thanks.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10798906#post10798906 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Jimbo327
depends on spectrum and intensity, you might want to acclimate the tank to the new light.

I do not plan on moving any of my yumas out of my existing tank. The new tank would be for any new yumas that I acquire. So would new yumas do alright in the new tank with MH's?
Yes, there are many tank with MH and yumas. Mostly towards the bottom of the tank though because Rics just doesn't need that much light.
here are mine mid tank in a 180 under 250 watt mh

The orange pinnacle yuma is the kind that easier to acclimate under mh. Most of the yuma needs low light. I won't suggest the yuma under mh but ric fl. can do well.
Both my floridia nad yumas do very well on the bottom of my 120g 24inches deep under 250w14k halides. They do better under this light than they did in the pc tank.
i have my yumas in a 90gal on the bottom with 8t5s. they really kept their neon pink color. they originally came from a tank with 400watt MH in which the yumas where also placed on the bottom. i think yumas and ricordias can tolerate high light as long as they are on the bottom. my mushrooms i actually have to put them in the shade or they stay small and neon colored almost bleached.
In my experience Yumas don't like very much light and can bleach rather easily if given to much or if not acclimated properly. I even bleached out a deep water yuma in a 9 inch deep tank under 18 watts of PC. I have noticed lots of variation in Yumas with some doing good in medium light and others that need low light. Ricordia Florida on the other hand seem to do very well in bright light. They can take almost as much light as Acros.

You can tell by looking at any ric how it feels about the lighting it is under. If it is stretching upward and expanding extra wide so you can see lots of the flesh between the "bubble tentacles" your ric wants more light.

If a Florida ric has to much light it will become smaller and flatter. All of the "bubbles" will inflate so that no light can get on the main body of the ric.

If a Yuma gets to much light the tend to shrink, deflate its tentacles and twist or fold over so that less light gets on it. If your yuma is doing this you need to get it in the shade quick because it will begin to bleach soon.

I hope my description makes sense. let me know if I you need clarification.
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reefer 1024,Nicely explained. Thanks. As noted earlier my floridia thrive on the bottom under 250w 14khalide. Good expansion,great color and growth. I also have a green and purple yuma. When I had it mid tank it was larger ; actually the bubles were much larger. On the bottom they are much smaller. So your expaination about shading with the bubbles seems yo fit this yuma as well as the floridia.