Lighting equipment questions...


New member
I am in the process of upgrading my lighting from 2x250 MH's to 2x400 MH's.

> Current lighting is 2x250 Ushio 10K HQI + 2x110 VHO URI Super Actinic

> Reef - SPS barebottom, 120 display, 40 sump, ER RC250 skimmer, GEO Calcium reactor, Artica chiller 1/5 HP, TUNZE Stream 2x6100 w/multicontroller, etc.

My first thought was to go with 2x400 PFO HQI ballasts, 2xLuminarc III, Radium 20K's - no supplemental lighting.

Another reflector option would be 2xPFO 24" reflectors - and then keep the 2x110 VHO's and maybe go with Ushio 14k's for the combo.

Question > If I get the HQI ballasts, which would allow me to run Radium 20K's, can I run other 400w SE bulbs if I decide to switch to Ushios or XM's?

I am looking for great color first and then growth - without being overly washed out in blue...
Flamehawk is correct, you can run any of the other 400w lamps on that ballast. I personally would go with the Radium's just because I feel they can't be beat when it comes to coloration with sps. Some people feel they can only get 5 months or so out of the bulbs, however if you run 9hrs a day on average you should be able to get right at 7-8 months on them.

As far as the reflectors go on that size tank I would probably recommend the PFO parallel. Unless you had corals all the way to the back, the front, the sides, and the far corners, you really would be taking a step back with the Lumenarc style reflectors. The PFO's will actually give you more intensity straight down if the coral placement is focused more to the middle of the tank. HTH!
