Lighting for sebae anemone?


New member
Ok I am looking into ligting options for my 125g that I am setting up. I have a pair of mated maroons that I want to get a sebae for. I have had great success with btas and others and would like a lil challenge. I am only planning on keeping some easy basic corals in the tank so my main concern is to have enough lighting for the anemone. I know that they are supposed to look brownish in color but most that I have seen are either yellow or white. I am assuming that these are bleached out. I dont really have a ton of money so the cheapest option would be greatly appreciated. I can do some sodering work and such if need be.
250W metal halides....... i kept mine happy with that for over a year.......
Plus 4X T8 actinics.....HArd To keep . Anyone here have had succes with anemones at all ? "over 2 years"
I haven't had mine for 2 years yet. About 1 year now. I'm slowly nursing it back to health from being white and bleached. It's a nice tan now. I know of another person with 2-3 heteractis crispa like mine that she's had for several years and they've survived a couple bleaching episodes.
I've found that my sebae was not hard to keep at all...I've had him for about a year, got him when he was 4" and now he is about 1' when spread out!

I have 560 W VHOs (2x10k & 2xSuper Actinic all 140w) and he is a little less than 2 1/2 feet down (tank 3' high). He doesnt move around that much and if you've had a bta you shouldn't have any problems.

I found my sebae was WAY easier to keep than my rbta which kept moving and eventually died (I think he dissapeared and I havent seen him in months).

But my sebae is thriving as I don't even feed him direct anymore because he is getting so big (He gets whatever floats to him from feeding my sun polyp and fish)

He isnt that 'brown' but I know hes doing good because he grows so much!

One of my false percs has hosted with him...hes in the pic...clownfish about 2"....

