Lighting suggestions


Premium Member
I would like to get some suggestions from you all with larger tank experience. I am in the planning stage for my new 210 gallon tank. It is 7'x2'x2'. I am going to build my own canopy so that I can get the best lighting possible.

Here is my current thought:
3 MH
250w - 400w - 250w
with 4 actinic - 2 across the front and 2 across the back
and some led moonlighting.

Please give me your thoughts on this set up or scrap it and tell me how you would set it up. Thanks in advance for picking your brains.
Got ur back brother...
I wouldnt go 400... my opinion.. your tank is only 24" deep
Do 3 250 in lumenbright reflectors
and throw some t5 in the front and back...
You have any idea what sort of K your looking at using? 10, 15, 20?

7 feet is a long tank, I would go 4 X 250 instead.
Sweet dims on your tank! I would still only use 3 250's with GOOD reflectors and supplement with t-5's. Canopy height I couldn't help ya with, but check out some great builds like mflamb's.
Waynem - I really havent given any thought to the K i will be using. Probably 10k unless you have other suggestions

Smoothie - Thanks