lighting -which would you do


New member
I just redid my lights. 2 units 8 bulbs each t5s total 624 wtts. I want to add either a 60 inch unit 2x80 wtt t5s, or 2 - 36 inch 96 wtt each pcs. ??????
the 60 inch fixture will be 6 inch short on each end.
Re: lighting -which would you do

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9247723#post9247723 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by TeresaQ
I just redid my lights. 2 units 8 bulbs each t5s total 624 wtts. I want to add either a 60 inch unit 2x80 wtt t5s, or 2 - 36 inch 96 wtt each pcs. ??????
the 60 inch fixture will be 6 inch short on each end.

You are running 16 x 36" / 39w bulbs?

Is there a special spectrum you are looking to run on the aditional lights?

I like the Super Blue, or Blue Special on the T5s. more so than on PCs.

If you get some more of the 36" 39w T5s, it owuld make it easier for you to interchange the order fo the bulbs to play with the color as well ... .
Are you overdriving these at all?
I currently run 6 x 60" 85w bulbs, but they are overdriven.... i'm happy with the light output ...

Why do you want to add more lights if you don't mind me asking. My favia bleached under my lights, my shrooms will not open unless i move them under shaded areas, but my SPS colored up nicely... etc.etc.
Since you already have a T5 fixture. Why don't you just put a couple of 250w Metal Halide pendants up? Reefgeek dot com has some really nice 250w packages pretty cheap.

You can get 2- 250w 14000k Ushio's
Reef Optix 3 Plus HQI Reflectors (250W), Blue Wave VII MH Ballast: 2-250W HQI for $600 shipped to your door.
(If you want 20000k's, its $19 more)

The only T5 fixture that can even come close to MH's is an Aquactinics solar-flare, but its $800 + bulbs (6x$20)-$920, and its only 48" (only size available)

T5's are no better than PC's without Individual reflectors. So keep that in mind if you go that route.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9248586#post9248586 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by ConcreteReefer
Since you already have a T5 fixture. Why don't you just put a couple of 250w Metal Halide pendants up? Reefgeek dot com has some really nice 250w packages pretty cheap.

You can get 2- 250w 14000k Ushio's
Reef Optix 3 Plus HQI Reflectors (250W), Blue Wave VII MH Ballast: 2-250W HQI for $600 shipped to your door.
(If you want 20000k's, its $19 more)

The only T5 fixture that can even come close to MH's is an Aquactinics solar-flare, but its $800 + bulbs (6x$20)-$920, and its only 48" (only size available)

T5's are no better than PC's without Individual reflectors. So keep that in mind if you go that route.

If I am not wrong she had 3 250's and took them out and is replacing them with the t-5's.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9153450#post9153450 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by TeresaQ
how far above the water are your t5s. i just sold my mh (3 x 250 wtt) and purchased t5s for my 150. I hated the heat and it just wasnt bright enough for me and all my zoo looked like they were reaching for light. I got 2 units that have 8 - 36 inch bulbs each. I am wondering if i should install a 1x2 strip then the lights so the hang a little lower. my canopy sits 14 inch above tank. I will still have room to add a couple more if i think i need it.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9248586#post9248586 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by ConcreteReefer
T5's are no better than PC's without Individual reflectors.

Single Light Reflectors are the key to directing light efficiently!

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9248586#post9248586 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by ConcreteReefer
The only T5 fixture that can even come close to MH's is an Aquactinics solar-flare, but its $800 + bulbs (6x$20)-$920, and its only 48" (only size available)

Thats the setup i have .. just w/out the fixture.

They are using IC430s & IC660 VHO ballasts to overdrive the T5 bulbs ... same thing i'm doing.
I run 2 x IC660 VHO ballasts to overdrive my 85w bulbs to about 100-110w.

The only thing proprietary, or remotely distinguishable & different on their setup is the curved hood for better heat ventilation. They call that "proprietary heat venting technology" .. they run 2 x 80mm IC fans.

You could easily replicate their setup for about $650 + tax & shipping

2 x IC660 ($159/each)
6 x IC SLR ($23/each)
6 x 54w Bulbs (~$20/each)
Total $578 +
2 x IC Fans & misc loose ends ... ~$650

thats for the ones that do not need a fixture & have a canopy.
thanks, all bulbs have individual reflectors. I think i'll just go with the 60 inch t5s. its a little cheaper then the pcs anyway.
some of my zoos are still reaching for light, and i want them to color up some more. I'm going to give t some more time before buting, but want to have a game plan when i do.
right now
4 marine blue
4 actinic
8 10 k
I like the marine blue better the the actinic - they seem brighters or more blue.
Can I ask a simple question Teresa-

Can you give me the details on the 3x250watt MH fixture you were using? manufacturer, ballast type,bulb type & K (10000,140000 or 20000).

Just to ease my mind, thanks ;)
I totally agree with concrete.... yes T-5's are nice lights no objections there but come on now 3 250 watt metal halides over a 150 should be beaming a bunch of light. I had 3 250 hqi over a 240 and my sps were growing like mad and my colors were awesome. I'm guessing you had single ended bulbs which aren't as great but still not bad. I simply can't figure out how zoo's which can live fine under pc's would be "reaching" for light under either of these combos both of which are over 700 watts of lighting. Maybe I'm missing something but I'm planning on converting lights and going with 4x 250 watt HQI with 8 54 watt T-5 actinic's over my 310. Its the new current fixture outorbit i believe. it will be two 48 inch fixtures.

I currently have 3x 250 watt HQI pendants hanging over the tank made by Aqua medic and I have maximas, gigas, deresas, and croceas clams on the sandbed that are doing great. Colors of sps are decent but thats a water quality issue due to me never being home, only reason I'm "upgrading" my lights is because I need some type of actinic lighting, a 4th halide due to my tank being 8 feet, and i'm going to use the pendants at the store so its more cost effective to replace my lights and take them there. I have one colony of zoos in my tank and its matted to the rock, i also have sps near the sandbed, and I'm getting a good inch of growth on my monti caps every month with my calcium at 420.

again not saying T-5 lighting is not good enough, nor saying its a bad choice, just simply think T-5's are a lil overhyped. Its like imports vs. domestic cars, its simply a matter of personal preference. I feel a combo of both would be the best choice.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9262316#post9262316 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by coralfarmer84
like imports vs. domestic cars, its simply a matter of personal preference

this debate is actually easier to solv!
sorry i dont remember what brand they were, I bought them used.
keinreis saw my tank before i changed.
i hated those lights. I have pictures somewhere of the zoos. thier stems were 1 to 2 inch tall. Also the heat was really bad.
I like my new lights a lot better.
Just not liking my whole tank right now.
one bulb was brand new, and the other two were about 4 mo old. most of my pictures are on my other computer. I'll check and post in my photo alblum.
Thanks, the stand came with the tank, and the canopy came from e-bay
the stand was cherry, and i stripped it and restained it. the canopy was bare wood, so i stained it to match
interesting... never seen zoos reach like that under halides. Also your lights didn't seem very bright in the pic. I know when i take pictures of my tank even during the day the tank "glows" with light compared to the surrounding light. But other than that cool!