lighting -which would you do

From the pics you posted- If my Halides looked like that I would throw them in the garbage. Even under your T5's your zoo's don't look as colorful as they should.

I'm telling you- If you buy a *Quality* MH pendant/fixture (like the ones I posted above) You will be amazed at how well your tank will look. Don't get me wrong, you will have heat but

$ for $ your better off with a couple of halides, just completely forget about your previous experience with them.

You already have enough T5's.
Thanks. I have 14 ft celings and pendents would not work unless they can be mounted under my canopy.
can you post a picture of your lights
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9289102#post9289102 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by TeresaQ
Thanks. I have 14 ft celings and pendents would not work unless they can be mounted under my canopy.

same here, 14ft ceilings .... and i wouldn't do a pendant/fixture unless you don't have a canopy .... here are much better reflectors out there.

The pendant/fixtures are mostly cramped together ... they use smaller reflectors for the most part ... if you really want to go with MHs, get the luminarc reflectors & call it a day ... i bet if you need 4 MHs right now with your setup - you could easily get away with 3 luminarcs & be better off.
Well then--

If you don't want pendants (which can be mounted with an L-bracket?? I think??), you can get a retro-kit and mount that to your canopy--> which is really nice btw.

Luminarcs are nice but aren't they huge?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9292432#post9292432 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by ConcreteReefer

Luminarcs are nice but aren't they huge?

the SE bulb nes are large, the HQI/DE ones are smaller if i'm not mistaken ... but again ... these reflectors are probably the best ones out there ... if you want something smaller, more compact - you will loose "performance"
I have a few questions regarding the relative merits of the different lighting systems. I am Dawn's husband, and have been in the commercial lighting business for many, many years. In evealuating a lighting system, the standard procedure is to compare the lumen output of the lamps, not the wattage. It does not appear that this information is being considered in your discussions. Obviously the color spectrum of the output is important to be sure that corals, etc get the proper "type" of lighting, but to determine the actual light level of the tank lumen output must be considered, as well as the mounting height of the lighting system. This information (lumen output) is readily available for every lamp used in commercial lighting, but does not appear to be furnished with aquarium use lamps.

Ron Steedman

for some reason - people are VERY hung up by the wattage. You have to love the people that brag that they have 1,000w over their 100g tank to get their magical 10w/g ....

there are a few threads where 'grimthereefer' has tested the PAR output, and recorded the results.
Give me a few minutes & i will try to find the thread.
Those threads are the ones that i considered when choosing T5's over MH & VHOs, as well as replacement cost, heat & power consumption.

Just spoke with 'The Grim Reefer'

T5 lamp PAR readings:

UltraSolaris T5 fixture PAR readings:

Here is a site that seems to compare MH lights - by 'Sanjay':

There have been quite a few threads on MH Vs. T5 Vs. VHO Vs. PC .... just can't seem to find any right now. If i do, maybe tonight when i have more time i will post some up.
I agree its not about the most watts thats why i don't have 1000 watters over my tank nor will I ever have 400's. 250's with good reflectors and good coloration is what I'm looking for, I simply just want the most positive for my dollar.