Lightning schedules


New member
Just curious as to what kind of lightning schedule you all follow I know we all run from MH to T5's to actual real genuine sun light.

My schedule is as follows:
11:15 am. Actinics come on
12:15 noon daylights come on.

Both run together.

9:15 pm daylights go off.
10:15 pm actinics go off.

Do you all run full lights or just the daylights(actinics off) during the day?

What are is your lighting schedule?

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blue leds 11am on
t5 actinics 1pm on
halides 4pm on

halides 10pm off
t5 actinics 11pm off
blue leds 11or12pm off
moon lights as soon as I wake up 630am
actinics 10am on
MH 11am on, moon lights off

MH 5pm off, moon lights on
actinics 6pm off
moon lights I turn off when I go to bed.

I used to leave the moon lights on @ night but I noticed my fish still swimming around all night long, so now I turn them off when I go to sleep.
Four 10" solar tubes sun up to sun down.
Depending on the time of year 250W 14K MH on an hour before dark and off at 10pm.
So now in the winter that means MH on at around 4pm off 10pm
In the summer that is MH on at around 8pm off 10pm.
I also have a fixture on there ( thanks to chuy :wave: ) with only one 54w t5 for each end of the tank.
It is on at 10am and then turned off when the MH turns on.
At 11am 2- 160 watts VHO actinic go on till 10pm
At 1pm 3-250 watts metal halides go till 6pm
Led moon lights go on a little before 10pm till 8am
Sump light on at off same at moon lights