la banque des ballasts
la banque des ballasts
I had this in my head, and now it's a tangible beast... the ballast bank.
To recap, my light rack is cantilevered almost 12" because the tank extends through a 4" wall and into the display room an additional 7". Since there is the cantilever, I had some play with placing additional weight on the rear of the rack to counterbalance the overhang. My solution was to place all (12) ballasts on shelves in a central location where they could be easily wired, maintained, and if necessary, replace.
So here is the end product - this is the back of the rack, with three "shelves" constructed of lightweight 1" aluminum angle. I will be able to screw each ballast securely in its position on the bank:
Same as above, taken from the front of the rack:
For grins, I put the ballasts on the shelves, better to envision space available for wiring:
And a close-up of three ballasts in the bank. I will use a Dymo Labelmaker to identify each ballast as to what row of (2) T5 bulbs it fires... (Row 1 = Ballast 1, etc.)
I wasn't able to check the fulcrum location on the rack with the ballasts in place, but that will change anyway when the endcaps and bulbs are installed...
I think this will work, and make wiring the system very systematic. As Melev pointed out, I will be able to test each row of lights as they are wired.
That project will start later today...