Lightsluvr's 340G Upgrade

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<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15458558#post15458558 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by skiformance
i for one was very impressed, seems like only yesterday we lugged that thing to your house. kudos to you!!!

Thanks, Mike. You and Jeri are very much appreciated.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15458998#post15458998 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by edandsandy
Looks like you have everything under "control" now George!

I hope so. It took a while, but I finally got the "legacy" DC4HD configured. After several unsuccessful attempts, I noticed a pop-up asking if I wanted to use the default intranet security settings. After I clicked "OK", the DC4HD accepted configuarion with no problem. Piece of cake.

The EB8 configured itslef. I just have to go in and name the outlets and set them based on what I decide to plug in each one.

We're driving to Tulsa in a few minutes to see the show "Wicked", so further programming will have to wait until we are home this evening...

My PH dropped to 7.99 overnight, so I also need to get my Kalkwasser dispenser loaded up this evening. Of course, PH will come back up this afternoon when the lights are on for a while...

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15456707#post15456707 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by shelby28
this thread is awsome i found it late last night(or early in the morning) and i couldnt stop reading but had to when rc went down around 1:30 am so i tuned back in today to read the rest of the thread im amazed how fast and thorough you were i found the cats to be one of the best parts has i have 2 myself that love to "help" and watch my tanks. they may enjoy them more then i do has i find them watching them all the time. thanx for sharing!

Well thanks for reading the entire saga!

How 'bout those cats... we love 'em. The white Saimese, black and little Tabby were all from the same litter. They were fostered by Ms. LL and I from when they were about 3 hours old. The white kitty, "J J" still had his umbilical cord when we got him. We lost one of their siblings, but as you can see, the others are quite healthy and a big part of our household...

If you have any questions, feel free to ask. There are a lot of folks tagging along, and this is a good place to get reliable advice from reefers who have "been there, done that"... :D



<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15449333#post15449333 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by DanW
George, I see that you build is coming along nicely but I had to go back 3 pages to find pictures. What's up with that? More pictures please, sir. :D BTW put me into the camp that tests each batch of water before each water change. Maybe I'm being too anal but I believe the 10 minutes and marginal cost of testing each batch far outweighs the potential harm (disaster) that may occur however unlikely.

We will try to be more diligent in posting pictures... ;)

Took some photos of the lawn growing, but decided not to post them here... :D

I will have more photos of the Apex installation later today, as I have dressed and presentable.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15453800#post15453800 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by tomtoothdoc
would you please clarify that. yours has a drain at the bottom of the black box? or did you install something at the very bottom of it? ours has a drain at the top of the black box.

I believe Reeflo changed the designs mid production as some units were shipped with a drain for the box. Although it came this way, it looks like something that could be modded after the fact.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15459095#post15459095 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by edandsandy
I went to NY to see Wicked and it is fabulous!
Hope you enjoy the show.

We just got was great! It was the National Traveling tour of the Broadway play and starred Marcie Dodd as the "bad" witch...much fun.

As expected, PH up to a respectable 8.25 with the lights on.

Tank temp is 80.3.

ORP is still zero (no probe) ;)

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15461179#post15461179 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Lightsluvr
We just got was great! It was the National Traveling tour of the Broadway play and starred Marcie Dodd as the "bad" witch...much fun.


I knew you were going to enjoy the show!


When I was a little boy, my mother used to call our toys "pretties"... (Pennsylvania Dutch, you see) So to "outen the light", here are some shots of the partially completed Apex controller "pretties": :D

Base module and display module:

Temp reads 80.4 and PH has risen to a favorable 8.3 after a full day of lights...

The Legacy DC4HD controller which is dedictaed to the four light sequences:

Closeup of the DC4HD - (the gray cable is the Ethernet feed from the router to the Apex Base module.)

The lonely EB8 - with only the return pump connected for tonight:

I want to learn to do a screen capture to display the graphs and log prepared and maintained in memory by the Apex.

Tomorrow I'll call Neptune customer service for some tips on connecting to the internet and getting e-mail alarms. I am having some issues with those processes...

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15461921#post15461921 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Ed Reef
Cool - keep us update on how user friendly this APEX is???

Ed - so far I have found it extremely user friendly. The old DC4HD uses ACPro X10 configuration which is very intuitve. The EB8 configures itself - you just sign on the Apex wizard on your computer's web browser, and the menu is there and easy to name and program the outlets.

My only confusion is with the internet and e-mail connection which is a rookie issue for computer knowledgable folks... Me? Not so much.

I'll check back in tomorrow after I consult with Neptune customer service...

Gluing live animals to rocks and holding them underwater...

Gluing live animals to rocks and holding them underwater...

Here is the awaited rimless frag tank that will be pumbed into the main system...

Yes, it's a Glass Cages... it was necessary to razor blade large clumps of silicone from the bottom of the tank so it would sit flat...

The overflow comes with a black acrylic cover with the usual teeth...the cover was not attached to the glass...imagine that:

The size is 24" x 24" x 18" - about 40 gallons - just right for my needs:

For some reason, I'm just not too trusting of this brand new tank... though it had been sitting in a closet for a year, the previous owner suggested I look closely at the silicone... that's why it's outside for a wet test. :cool:

Now to figure where to place it so it will be accessible and not block some other component of the system... :confused:

frag tank

frag tank

Now this is sweet....

I had glass cages for both the tanks I had set up. Based on that experience, 2 recommendations:

-- Hofer Gurgle Buster instead of Durso or Stockman because it is so quiet and easy to adjust the flow;

--Before you get too far into the set up, find somebody with a table saw and widen the opening for the teeth on the overflow. I didn't do it on my first and did on my second. Made a huge difference.

What lighting you using?
Re: frag tank

Re: frag tank

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15462680#post15462680 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Lytehouse
Now this is sweet....
--Before you get too far into the set up, find somebody with a table saw and widen the opening for the teeth on the overflow. I didn't do it on my first and did on my second. Made a huge difference.
What lighting you using?

Good tip to widen the teeth - they did look narrow to me...

As for lighting, I have a 20" T5 fixture and a 150W MH Pendant. I'll decide on lighting (which or both) after I decide on a location for the frag tank...
It will have to be close to the Rubbermaid sump, as it will feed from and overflow into this sump.

Our tank is by GlassCages also. We had to scrape off the silicone also. Our tank is fine. The only problem we had was when our tank was delivered and the driver didn't have the proper equipment to unload the tank and the overflow box got cracked.
Our overflow box was not attached either. I guess that is just the way they do things there.

That a GREAT tip on the teeth from lytehouse too.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15459132#post15459132 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by serpentman
I believe Reeflo changed the designs mid production as some units were shipped with a drain for the box. Although it came this way, it looks like something that could be modded after the fact.


That's interesting. Several locals have the Reeflo Orca and I've never seen one with a drain in the box...

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15463435#post15463435 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by edandsandy
Our tank is by GlassCages also. We had to scrape off the silicone also. Our tank is fine. The only problem we had was when our tank was delivered and the driver didn't have the proper equipment to unload the tank and the overflow box got cracked.
Our overflow box was not attached either. I guess that is just the way they do things there.

That a GREAT tip on the teeth from lytehouse too.

I remember the cracked overflow box saga from your thread... It seems strange that Glass Cage's own driver wouldn't have the necessary equipment for unloading his truck. I was feeling your pain when I read about that in your thread...

It just seems like GC's quality control could use a boost. Sloppy "craftsmanship".

At least with the little frag tank, I have no problems running an additional bead of silicone around the inside of the tank.

Does this thread seem like it's having "performance issues"?? :cool:



Here is an index of the main topics in the thread to date:
INDEX to Lightsluvr's 340G Upgrade Build Thread
1.) Opening "“ preplanning "“ Intoduction :

2.) Demolition "“ Fish room plans:

3.) Framing in the fish-room, exhaust vents, concrete slab:

4.) Introducing the EdandSandy water system:

5.) Constructing the light rack and rail system:

6.) Final assembly "“ light rack and the ballast bank:

7.) Beginning the tank move "“ removing plate glass windows:

8.) Moving day!!

9.) Laying out the fish room "“ planning, changing, initial plumbing layout:

10.) Laying out the closed loop "œskeleton" , the first leak! :

11.) The closed loop wet test!

12.) Final plumbing layout and tests:

13.) Filled tank & system "“ fresh water test success:

14.) EdandSandy water change system revisited "“ modifications:

15.) Aquascaping:

16.) Summary, reflection, credits and thank you's:

17.) July 12 Tank photos:

18.) Two month anniversary, FTS, Plumb EdandSandy Water management system:

19.) The APEX arrives (in the box), framing the tank, FTS :

20.) Fish Inventory:

21.) Testing your newly mixed saltwater:

22.) Reef Crystals and Test kits:

23.) Neptune Systems Apex Controller Installation:

24.) Frag Tank photos:
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