So my numbers all seem in check, or even high. I use Red Sea coral pro salt. 35ppt. Just checked my parameters. Alk 9.5, Mg 1520, Ca 460, nitrates 2, PO4 .03, nitrite 0, Ammonia 0, ph 8.2.
23g nanocube, kessil 160we at about 40% intensity and 50% color.
I had a candy cane that split from 2 to 4 heads but doesn't seem to be building skeleton to complete the split. Same with a torch I've got, the soft tissue is massive but doesn't seem to be building skeleton. Everything eats often, every other day I'd say and typically gets fed twice in one sitting.
Why am I not getting hard skeleton building??
For reference the candy cane split soft tissue into four heads 6 weeks or so ago and is just kind of still hanging at about the same stage for the last 4.
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23g nanocube, kessil 160we at about 40% intensity and 50% color.
I had a candy cane that split from 2 to 4 heads but doesn't seem to be building skeleton to complete the split. Same with a torch I've got, the soft tissue is massive but doesn't seem to be building skeleton. Everything eats often, every other day I'd say and typically gets fed twice in one sitting.
Why am I not getting hard skeleton building??
For reference the candy cane split soft tissue into four heads 6 weeks or so ago and is just kind of still hanging at about the same stage for the last 4.
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk