Little Tokyo tank

the long awaited update:

Nitrites and Ammonia are very low and Nitrate is just starting to get under control.

Jeff sent me some Cheato and a frag, and since my new lights are now all up, here are some pics. (Thank you, Jeff!!!!)

the zoos!

zoos up close:

Zoos are doing very well. Now all polyps open and I swear it's growing really quickly.... There seem to be more polyps than before.

Fish are doing well. And the lights work well with the current timer.

the tank:

the lights:

the sump:

I also love tropical plants and in order to get more light out of your plant lamp, you are told to cover walls and surfaces with foil. I figured the same principle could work here, so I covered the back of the sump, left side and door of cabinet with foil to reflect the light back. Looks weird, but it does work well with plants.

Don't mind the silly poster in the background. I accidentally ripped a bit of the wallpaper, so the poster is there to hide that.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7723142#post7723142 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Donstuprich
Cool man! Looking good!

lol.. Sangogo is a woman. :D Me and jeff were talking about that the other day.

But yea, tank is looking real good..:rollface:
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7725369#post7725369 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by fdokinawa
lol.. Sangogo is a woman. :D Me and jeff were talking about that the other day.

Doh' :D :lol: Tank still looking good!
Hahaha, I'm not sure I know many men who would use sango as a name.

I tried something I saw on the forums. Someone said you can stick chaeto between two rocks in the main tank and it seemed like an interesting idea. I put a little between two rocks and went to sleep. I wake up and it is completely gone, not a trace. I guess it was consumed by the tank inhabitants pretty quickly. So much for that idea. I was pretty amused. :)
Thanks. :) I only stuck a small amount between the rocks, so I'm in no danger of running out any time soon.

The post I had seen said you could grow it in the main tank this way and it seemed like an interesting idea, so just wanted to try it. How fast should I expect it to grow?
How fast it grows will depend on lighting and the water quality you have. Mine was under 150 watts of VHO which is pretty strong. I reduced the lighting to 75 watts and have minimal nitrates but it still grows rather fast in my tank. Normally I would say it will double it's size in a couple months. Try to sell the extra you harvest to a shop or trade for coral if you can. The ball I sent you is about the size you want to keep it at.
If anyone feels like chipping in with a frag and a few $, we can send some frags up there to help stock this new tank. I say in about a month , it will be ready for some additional eye candy. Let me know if you want to.
Thanks for the offer, Jeff :) I hope you all had fun at the get-together. It rained in Tokyo like crazy that weekend.

It's been a crazy few weeks at work, but it's been nice to come home to the tank. I ordered two small mini-corals on ppm and added a small coral from the LFS during the last few weeks.

The lfs near work had dottybacks on sale for 800 yen, so I've added one of those too.

Nitrates have been at less than .25 on one test, undetectable on the other two. Ammonia wavers between 0-.25 on one test (undetectable on the other), depending on how successful I am at getting the dottyback to eat. Nitrites and phosphates are undetectable. Seems pretty stable. I change 1-3 gallons of water twice a week.

Cheato has grown over twice its size though. So much that it's blocking its own light source. I know you said I should trade it, but I haven't the faintest idea on how to go trading. Do I just bring it to the LFS and beg them to take it off my hands? Can I keep it in a bag in the fridge for now?
I would just take it on down to the fish shop and see if they want to trade for something. if not, you could just give it to them or see if there is another reefer in the area that wants it.
I have a few frags in the back side of my new tank. If these take to the branches...they will be shipped up to you.

Its a 6" tonga branch with a muchroom and 2 lathers that will hopefully attach. We will see how this goes. Its my first real propogation experiment. I cut them and attached them with I say 3 weeks and they should be good. We will see...
My bad, didn't finish before I posted. It can be a pain to cut the rubber band off if the coral decided to try and grow around the band like I had happen one time.
New update:

I bought some corals from PPM's website over the last few weeks, including one of their "gems of the day" which has a tiny disc coral and a tiny carnation coral. (I don't expect the carnation to survive, but I liked the way the disc coral was arranged on this rock. Unfortunately, the addition of the carnation made this little pebble pretty expensive.)

I think I have a mantis. I have been seeing little tiny shells strewn about and I saw a dark crustracean between my rocks that can curl up like a lobster. Of course, it ran away before I could do anything and I called Jeff in panic.

Since adding the clown, I don't feel any real need to add more fish to my tank. (I suppose I should add a buddy for the clown eventually.... and a tang might be nice just for the sake of someone to eat my chaeto.)

Just adding coral a few at a time. One coral caught brown jelly, fell on another and spread it to the second coral. Second coral seems to be making somewhat of a recovery since I cut off the most infected branch. The first coral (my most expensive one, a rare bright pink nephthea) has mostly melted away, but I hope the little stump left will eventually grow into something. If not, I already have a special order at another store that should fill eventually. :D

Water vitals pretty good. Ammonia and nitrates aren't always at zero since buying the sun coral, since the sun coral eats a lot, but doesn't digest all of it....

Here are some pics.

Gorgeous until it melted away. I will never buy frm that store again. They said it was just a little weak and would recover. (Was too lazy to flip the pic when I uploaded it . . being that this coral barely exists in my tank now, no point in reposting on photobucket.)

my stupid dottyback who got himself caught in the crab trap

cute shrimp that like to crawl on my hands when I move rocks.

my fabulous sun coral that takes an hour to feed everyday...
Ignore the crab trap in towards the right.

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I like the way you stacked your LR. With regards to your sun coral, do you target feed each polyp? What are you feeding them?