Little Tokyo tank


I scoured the net and forums on how to fed them. I was most worried about dirtying the water since I have it on a rock where any sort of "cap" made from a bottle probably wouldn't fit very well. A few people said to take them out of the main tank and feed them in a a separate small container filled with tank water. So I do that.

In the small container, I put in some red plankton and swirl that around with a turkey baster until the polyps open. Then I throw in mysis shrimp cubes. When I first got it, it wouldn't eat by itself, so I had to use a syringe and stuff a shrimp into each polyp. Now, I only do that with a few of the polyps. After an hour or two, I take it out and put it back on its rock in the main tank. Of course, this method sucks during the week if work has kept you at the office until 1 am, but I stay diligent and do it everyday despite that.
wholy crap that sounds like a headache... beautiful coral though.. wonder if any of my corals need hand feeding.. lol oh well.
hmm . . . Dottyback is gone. It was looking kind of weird on sunday night; had a white string-like thing hanging from it and something that looked like a gallstone or something. It was also in a nasty mood and attacking anything that came near it. Haven't seen it since. If I have a mantis, I'm sure the mantis would have easily finished it off.

I'm not sure whether to be sad or not, since the dottyback was probably the least intelligent thing in my tank and made it hard to choose less aggresive tankmates. But it was rather cute and it had a bit of personality. I guess I'll get another once I get more tankmates. I did a waterchange (about 15 liters) just in case. Everything else looks fine. Shrimp keeping walking into the mantis trap. (Hell, dottyback got himself into this trap within 10 minutes of me setting it up....)
Wow that's a lot of work with your sun corals!

Every other day I turn my off all my pumps 20-30 mins after the lights go out. I target feed each polyp with a pipette (sp). I give about about 2 mysis shrimp targeted to each. Nothing else. I also target my brittles at the same time too. After about 10-minutes, the sun coral open back up after eating and I turn all the pumps back on.

I know it can be a pain with fish in a tank. I read to feed fish first then target feed each polyp when they are open. They grab the mysis and pull them in. Working for my so far. Just my 2cp. I go through a cube of mysis a week so far just target feeding my sun bunch which is about the size of an egg.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7805526#post7805526 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by vest0830
I have a few frags in the back side of my new tank. If these take to the branches...they will be shipped up to you.

Its a 6" tonga branch with a muchroom and 2 lathers that will hopefully attach. We will see how this goes. Its my first real propogation experiment. I cut them and attached them with I say 3 weeks and they should be good. We will see...

Checked my frags last night. My fragging worked :)
Jeff was right (again) I split one of my lathers with the rubberband, but I have 100% faith that I now have 2 lathers rather than 1. :cool: :p . They seem like they are going to be fine.

Whenever the frags are ready to send up, LMK.

Sounds great, Frank! I'm not sure what leathers are called in Japanese. A Tosaka type?

I hope you guys have fun tomorrow at the coral farm!