Live rock, 125 gallon setup for sale


New member
Hi, all!

Well, the time has come for me to finally leave the great state of PA! I'm moving to Phoenix at the end of the month, and decided that while I'm planning on putting together a HUGE tank after I get settled there, it wouldn't be the best idea to try and move the current tank with me. So, I've got stuff for sale, and I would really like to have it torn down and taken care of before I leave.

Here's what I've got:
100 lbs or so of live rock. It's been in the tank for at least 4 years. I don't know exactly how much is there, as I bought it in stages, but it's at least about $250 or make me an offer and come pick it up in Centre Hall soon.

125 gallon all-glass tank, stand, and homemade canopy (black).
Mag drive pump (Think it's 1000gph...I got it from Mo)
2 250 metal halide ballasts and 2- 10K XM's that got put on in January...$600 OBO.

If someone wants the tank and rock, I'll make you a great deal, as it would make things much easier for me. I really want to take care of this before I leave so it's not a burden on my family, and I'm sure my stuff is going to a good home. I'm leaving March 26, so if you're interested, please let me know soon!

You guys have been the best! I've had so much fun going to swaps and chatting about fish (and other things). I'm going to miss you. But now you have a place to stay if you want to visit Phoenix. And an in on some seriously cool corals they seem to be growing out that way.
Do you have any livestock or corals? I'm right around the corner at Penn State. Also may be interested in some live rock.
The fish and coral are promised, but the live rock is still up for grabs. Let me know if you're interested, and I'll send you my number.
Many thanks to bwest for taking all my live rock off my hands. The tank setup is still for sale. Also, it's has A LOT of sand in it. Anyone interested in some free live sand? I'll take any reasonable offer on the tank, too, provided you'll take it along with the stand, canopy, and metal halides, and can pick it up before March 25.